Finished with Medicals & will get the Local PCC..


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I completed my medicals at Lilavati successfully. It was quite smooth accept they gave the report very late & that "guys" doctor for physical checkup showed up very late.

I will also be getting PCC from my local police station by friday. I am currently in India and applied for the PCC at the local police authorities in person. The procedure for me and my wife (both different cities) is, we have to go and give an application at the special branch of police. They will send a letter to the police station of your locality which then issues another letter about record and sends it back to special branch. And they will finally give you the certificate.

For me & my wife, we hand delivered the envelope from special branch to local police station & will be doing same other way around.

And, I am going to go with this certificate ONLY. Getting a PCC from RPO is a pain and also, they keep the passport which I cannot afford at this point of time when my Interview is on 2nd January.
How did you apply for PCC waitnwatch?

Hi waitnwatch,
         I had tries to obtain PCC from India. But there were 2 problems.
1. They said they will not give PCC unless asked by some govt. autority.
2. The PCC is only given to the people who are residing in India and want to work there. They ask for current address and job in their personal particulars form.
They directed me to RPO for PCC for US requirement.
Can you please tell me which form did you submit, what reason did you tell them for PCC requirement and which city did you apply it in ?
Thanks in adavnce.
Can you please tell us where the special branch of police is?

I will do the same for my PCC. can you please post your experience after you CP interview.
Raj H: SB2 as the Special Branch of Police is known as...

is located in Dhobi Talao right behind Elphinstone College (or near Rang Bhavan or near Metro Cinema). I have been there several times in the past (though more than 8 years back). You might want to confirm whether the SB2 is still located at that place.
Khardenavis & others -

Here is what I did:

I went to the local police station and asked them about getting a PCC (One of my friend\'s parents had obtained directly from police station abt 2 months back). I was told that now the procedures have changed and that I have to go to special branch office. It was located in the main police building (where police commissioner & others sit).

I went there and asked about PCC, and they said it takes about 3-4 days that I have to give a written application (NO Standard FORMS) with 65 paise stamps (this is the stamp duty stamps).

I submitted a written application and then they wrote something to the police station. Which I took to the police station. Those guys wrote back another letter (I haven\'t seen that yet) I guess mentioning that my records are clean or something.

I have to take this to the special branch. Upon receiving this, they will issue a PCC in standard format, I think.

I should get the PCC by today evening. As soon as I get it, I will post it.

I think different cities have different rules/requirement. We are also going to get PCC for my wife and its from a different city and they had slightly different requirements (no stamps etc.) but more or less the same procedure.

I hope this helps.
IluvGC: You mean the PCC from Indian Consulate in the US!!!...

Yes, the PCC from an Indian Consulate covering your state of residence in the US is good enough. Following is a posting from the Chennai Consulate web site:

"Indian passport holders applying for visas outside India should obtain a statement from their local embassy or consulate confirming they have no criminal record."

I think there\'s a typo which is causing some confusion. I think (this is strictly my opinion, standard disclaimers apply) the above should actually read as:

"Indian passport holders applying for (immigrant) visas(, residing) outside India(,) should obtain a statement from their local embassy or consulate confirming they have no criminal record."

Hope this helps.
skarekat - agree with you

That is the most plausible explanation.

If you read the first para, it talks about Indians residing in India, so logically this should be about Indians (residing) outside india.

Yesterday, when I first saw this, I thought maybe they are talking of Indians applying for visa outside India (e.g. in London) but then why should Chennai and Mumbai consulates talk about that?

So I agree with you, that the word residing has been left out.
Please help

Hello all,
 Can you please tell me the list of vaccinations that I need to take?

i HAVE NOT TAKEN hEPATITIS B. Do you know if I need to take that? I heard that this vaccination is given over a period of 3 months or so?
In that case do I need to take it here or can I go to India and just take the first shot?

Please help,

Usually they will give you Tetanus & MMR shots (that\'s what they gave me). Depending upon other factors like your medical history, they might give some more vaccines.

So don\'t worry. If you don\'t have too much of medical problems, then you will have to take vaccines as mentioned above.
Hep B shot


Although Hep B is required in the medical test, a lot depends on the doctor. So if a doctor decides that you don\'t require it, he will request a general waiver or something equivalent - that will get you off the hook.

As far as CP is concerned, I do not see (strictly my opinion) any problem as long as you can convince the doctor. But unlike other vaccines (such as polio), there is no age limit for Hep B and the only other way to acquire immunity is through natural immunity i.e. you had Jaundice before. So blanket waivers are tougher to get. Worse is US schools are now making Hep B shots mandatory for school children (I think above certain age). So they are taking it seriously here as well.

Remember that Hep B is good to have - so I would suggest completing the 3 shots (over 6 months) even after you get your GC. Do not neglect it - and best is, many insurances cover it so it\'s no cost to you.
Thanks for the info waitnwatch

Hope you already have got the PCCs. Can you tell which cities did you get them from ? Good luck for the interview.