fingerprints notice again with valid fingerprints


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My wife received a fingerprints notice again while she had the fingerprints taken about 6 months ago, although the status never show that. But we call the FBI number, the fingerprints are OK. Does this happen to others? I guess my wife just go there and has the fingerprints taken again. Hopefully she should be approved soon. She has a WAC number WAC03018xxxxx.
Me too. This strange second FP notice was issued on the second day after my I-140 was approved on early Feb while my last FP was on July 2004 and the online status is still showing that they received the first result. This second FP notice mentions the word like "Biometrics", which I believe I didn't see on my first FP notice.

Any one gets idea why this happens?
I call the FBI number, 1-304-625-5590

After some investegation, I know the reason:

I call the FBI number, They can not find my wife the fingerprints when using A# search. Then, I asked they to search with her name. It is there. The reason was that the A# was wrong for the fingerprints.