fingerprints and FBI


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hello everyone! my lil sister had her FP taken about a month ago and wondering if they clear or not. is there anyway she could find out? FBI site or a number she can call?

It's very rare (from what I can tell) that fingerprints don't clear (unless you committed a crime and left your fingerprints at the scene or you have been arrested). Occasionally your fingerprint quality is not up to the standards they demand. I believe that they will contact you in that case.

What holds people up is the "name check" process.
Go to the DO (infopass)

Sometimes the quality of the finger prints is not good enough so they do not clear. Do not expect them to contact you. Be proactive and get an infopass and go there and find out the status of finger printing/name check. The day my wife went they told her that they just came to know about the finger printing not clearing. That implied they hadn't even bothered to look at it until my wife actually went to the DO. They were good enough to give her an appointment for FP the very next day but her lines are too faint and we expected the inevitable... Now I am trying to get Police clearance from the towns that I have lived in...

Do they actually say the finger prints were cleared? In my case, they said that 'they recieved on xx/xx and sent back to INS on same day'. Even if they cant read them, they would send it back to USCIS. Should I interprete that they are cleared?
Thanks you all for your concerns. she hasn't got the IL so far and thats the matter here. myself I always have this lil question:
who does the Name check?
cauz I thought FP and Name check are all conducted by FBI and what could be the cauz of being stucked in The name check?