Fingerprinting without passport


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Myself and my spouse have received second FP notice. Incidentally, my spouse has sent passport for h-1b re-validation to department of state - washington a month ago and it will be some time before it comes back.

Would there be any problem in using drivers license as photo id instead of passport for finger printing? Do they insist on passport as photo id?

RFE replied on March 30, 2004
First FP results received on Dec 13, 2002
Second FP notice April 4, 2004
I think you should just go for the FP and try your luck. Explain to them what has happened and if you have any Copies of your passport, take that with you. You should also carry your wife's previous FP acknowledgement as well, which will prove that she has done it earlier and this is the second FP notice.
Worst case, you will have to re-schedule your wife's FP after you get the Passport, but at least you have shown up for the FP. Good Luck. I am sure you will hear different responses from others, but unless you go and try it yourself, you never know for sure. It finally depends on the person who is checking the documents.
My lawyer recommended calling Application support center and find out. Looks like nobody has previous experience like this.
They just ask for 2 ID's.

Though we took the passport, they never asked us for the passport.

Take the EAD and the driver's license. U would not have any problem. Dont forget to take ur FP notification.

But to make sure, just call in advance.
did not have my passport with me when i went to do my 2nd FP in November at SFO, either.. in fact i only had the FP notification and DL. they told me i should have brought my EAD also; i said that i had thought DL was enough. they told me i should bring my EAD next time but took the FPs anyway.

of course you should double check to be safe.
FP-No need of Passport.

I did my 2nd FP without passport in San Jose ASC,no problem. You just need to take your DL,should be fine. May be you can take a photo copy of your passport but never asked.

I had the same problem ,i send my passport to St.Louis for h visa stamping.

Does anybody know the phone number of Application support center in San Jose, so that i can check the id requirements?
Don't mess things up. Just show up with DL. San Jose support center is nice. We didn't bother to bring passports last week although we had no problem on that.
WE just went for our fingerprinting on Friday at San Jose. They just need one identification be it passport or DL - it does not matter. I guess you should be fine with DL.
Single ID is fine.

Driver's license or EAD should be oK. Today we used EAD card at San Jose. No problems, every thing went smoothly. The service is good.

Make sure the name on the FP notice and your ID matches.

FP notice mentions various allowed ID docs.Any thing seems to be acceptible.
Though we carried our PPs with us, to test this,we have shown only DLs.Nothing else.
No problem or further questions from them.
DL and EAD should be OK. I used it. After FP I inquired if PP was necessary, they said EAD is good enough as its issued by US federal govt.