Fingerprint Tracker for TSC


Registered Users (C)
Please post your details if you have received your 1st FP recently.

I hope to see some replies to keep this thread in the 1st page. It's high time for new FPs.
SRC0225850213 (not mine, but same ND as mine)
status changed to FP Received on 5/28/2004
before that status was Received....
could mean something....
not yet ... for Jul 2002

no fp for jul 2002 nd/rd
I check on-line status, my usps mail box everyday but no....
Even God does not know abt it
Finger received date keeps changing

Got fingerprinted on 6/09/2004. Online status date keeps on changing. The only change is the date when finger prints were received. Rest of message remains same. This changes every couple of days. :(
Anybody in same situation. Why is this happening.

RD: 06/10/2002
FP: 06/09/2004 - 06/21/2004 online status.
One of my friends called me last night, they got their green cards in April, they filed I485 in Sep 2002. but I have not even gotten my fingerprint done. Are we forgotten by TSC?