Fingerprint Request After Successful Interview (Baltimore)


New Member
Hi all,

I moved from VA to MD after my initial citizenship application, however my interview was scheduled in Fairfax, VA (My interviewer said he ought to have sent my file to Baltimore for the interview but he just decided to go ahead and schedule a date for me in VA knowing full well I would have to go to Baltimore for my swearing in!!!). Problem is I am working abroad for a year and had to fly in for my interview.

I just got a letter today asking me to come in next week for a new set of fingerprints in Baltimore (a few days ago they also asked for a copy of my marriage certificate). The problem is I'm afraid I'll have to make several trips home before I get sworn in. Has anyone had this experience before? What options do I have?

When did you have your intial FP done? FPs expire after 15 months so you'll have to get them redone if yours are expired.
My last fingerprint date was 4/11/07, not up to 15 months so it couldn't have expired. How long would the fingerprint check take, am I back to the FBI name check process?
PD March 13, 2007 (Washington DC)
FP April 5, 2007
IL May 7, 2007
ID June 2, 2007 at 2:15 PM (Case move to Baltimore for Oath)
Its very surprising to me that VA proceeded with the interview. Since you'd already moved, they had no jurisdiction over your case, and as such it really wouldn't surprise me if you were interviewed again.

I think you're just going to have to suck up the expense of flying in - after all, it was presumably your choice to accept the overseas assignment while you were processing your citizenship application? Hopefully you have an approved N-470 to protect your residency, or at least some very strong evidence that this is a temporary assignment with the fixed end date.
I had to redo my fingerprints 13 Month after my initial ones. When I ask the Lady that took my second prints that I thought they expire every 15 Month she said no, every 12. I am just going to tell you what I was told.
I had to redo my fingerprints 13 Month after my initial ones. When I ask the Lady that took my second prints that I thought they expire every 15 Month she said no, every 12. I am just going to tell you what I was told.
Were you told that from someone at regular USICS phone number or from the special military based USCIS number?
I was told by a USCIS Person at KC who took my prints. I wasn't told over the phone. I was told in Person at the actual time and place of second Fingerprinting.