fingerprint again after done twice? please help, thanks!


Registered Users (C)
hi all, here is my basic situation:

AOS onsite approved on May 10th, then after that got nothing at all until today(August 8th) i received a fingerprint notice from local office Garden City, NY where i had the interview.

But i did fingerprint and biometrics already. In Dec 2003 i did both ASC code 2 and Code 3 fingerprint/biometrics; In Dec 2004 i did fingerprint Code 2. Both notice came from "US Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services" in MO, 64064.

Then the notice today didn't mention what Code of the fingerprint from Local office of "Department of homeland security" in Garden City, it just says:
"FINGERPRINT NOTICE---To continue processing your I-485, INS must send your fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation...You are scheduled to be fingerprinted at August 24, 2005 at..."

so i have several questions, please help if you have any idea:
1. is it because my fingerprint/bio expired so i need to re-do it? or what other reason could it be, since i have done them already? really curious about it.

2. this notice is not the same format as former two, it doesn't mention what code of fingerprint i should ask me just go and they should know what to do. does this make sense? what if they ask me what code is it(remember need to fill out a form which has a column about what is the code, code 2 or code 3 or sth)

3. is it normal to receive fingerprint/biometrics notice from both USCIS and local office? i thought once you did fingerprint/bio the information should be somewhere in computer database...but seems they can't communicate well with each other so you need to put record in both place?

4. the lawyer said it seems like i need to wait for another 2 to 3 months to get the green card since i need to redo the fingerprint, but from the information i read online, if do the fingerprint after approval it should be quick to receive the card. which one is more reasonable? or any idea about the time-line after redo the fingerprint?

any comments is appreciated and thanks!

1st FP/bio: Code 2 and 3, Dec 2003
2nd FP/bio: Code 2, Dec 2004
AOS approval: May 2005
3rd FP notice again??? Aug 2005
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As per I been reading here you are asked to redo your FP because it has been expired. You should be getting your GC quiker than what your lawyer is saying. There are few people who have been asked for re-FP. Ask them what code they had used.
amishah thanks for your answer! yeah i guess the one i did in Dec 2003 should be expired...not so sure is because the Dec 2004 one (code 2) shouldn't be expired.

anyone has the similar experience please share what CODE to use for re-do fingerprint/bio, since it doesn't mention in the notice? thanks a lot!
Your'e not alone

Welcome to my hell :) I had my AOS interview last Tuesday in Philly, and was approved pending fingerprints (incidentally it's code 1 for fingerprints, 2 for biometrics, and 3 for both). So now I'm waiting even though the FBI sent it back to INS the same day per the helpline. As far as I understand it, as long as you haven't been arrested you'll be okay. This check doesn't include traffic violations. :rolleyes:

You can email me if you need more info.
hi swj, you mean you did fingerprint before but still got fingerprint pending during interview? then you called FBI# to request the info to be sent to INS?
seems out situation is a little different if above is your case...i received fingerprint notice again so there must be sth wrong with former fingerprint stuff. anyway i think i should go since receive the notice, just dont know what code to use for fingerprint if being asked.
Sorry wasn't clear

Nope...sorry I wasn't clear. I was fingerprinted and did biometrics (code3) on March 2004. On August 1st, 2005 the day before my interview, I received a notice requesting fingerprints scheduled for Aug 30th. At the interview on 8/2 the officer changed my date to that same day and sent me to the ASC in Philly. I was told my case was approved pending the fingerprint check. So yes, after my initial set expired as I had to redo prints.

There should be a code 1 on your form, if not, then just know that code 1 is fingprints only.
thanks! so i think it's code one (10 fingers) was expired.

since there's no code description on the notification, should I try to ask them to do both fingerprints and biometrics(code 3)? btw, from what i read, swj you should expect your card arrives in about two weeks or so... good luck!
Just my opinion here....the request was for fingerprint only, then I would just tell them that you're requesting an appointment for that. Don't confuse these folks! If they needed your biometrics again, they would've asked you. I'm hoping they won't send you anything after this. But it just sounds like you were in the same boat as me that you prints expired. The other thing is that the name check takes months to complete and the prints are done the same day. So that may explain why the biometrics are still "fresh."

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.
yeah i will cross fingers for you, good luck

thanks for the opinion, i'll just show them the notice and let them decide(which should be fingerprints only).
i had done my fp on june 05 for the 2nd 1st fp were done on aug 03 and interview was on dec 03. i was informed my 1st fp had expired and in order to continue processing the case i need to do it again. its been almost 2months since my 2nd fp.called the fbi line and they confirmed sending the no records response to the ins office immediately. i went to the local ins office today and god knows why my case has been transfred to the vermont service centre no reasons given..check with your local ins ofice to see whats been done with your case.
dont know what to do next...maybe call FBI line after several days?
anyway walk-in fingerprint is done. no question was asked about date or sth, they treat it as i had a fingerprint appointment today.
and there was no code, they just did fingerprints on 10 fingers, no picture taken, so i guess it's equal to code 1.
good luck to you asg98, wish your case was solved quick even it's transferred.
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FBI Line

Hi Asg,
I tried to find out if my fingerprints were "no record" ( not that I've done anything, just in panick/worry mode) and the lady was pretty stern and told me she couldn't tell me anything. I was trying to find out if anything would hold up my case. Did she volunteer the information to you?

Hey Enjoynterm,
Told you it was fingerprints only! Welcome back to the waiting game, probably won't be long for you. :)
A little update

Well I just an email update from USCIS that they just got the results of my fingerprints today. I gave my 2nd round of prints last Tuesday. Just so you have a timeframe from giving the prints to FBI to USCIS online. I'm still pulling for ya!