Finger Printing


Registered Users (C)

AVM says finger printing notice has been sent on dec 28. how long it takes generally to get the notice in hand.Today is Jan 4th and I have not yet received.I am in North Carolina.

PD DEC 1998
RD JUNE 6 2001
ND JULY 19 2001

It takes about a week to 10 days to get the FP notice. You will receive the originals and your attorney will receive the courtesy copies. If you are applying for your spouse also, you may or may not get all the notices on the same day.

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It takes 5 months for you to get FP. Is it too long? What is the normal time in NC to get FP? I am from NC, too.

Hello aac,

Actually my case is in Nebraska and I recently moved to NC from Ohio. As soon as I changed the address I got FP notice. That means it really fast here in this area. I hope I answered your question. Hang in there you should be very close.
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Thanks for your info. My case is in NSC, too. My RD is 10/05/01, and ND 11/01/01. I am hoping I can get FP in this month.