Finger-Printing questions. Please help.


Registered Users (C)
I received Finger-Printing notice for me and my spouse yesterday. Can anyone explain the following questions I have?

1. I received FP notices only for me and my spouse but not for my 4 year old daughter. Is there any rule with respect to the age of the applicant that needs Finger printing?

2. My scheduled appointment is on 2/22/02. Can I go in advance and do it early or would that impact my application in a negative way?

3. I live in Orange County and I am asked to go to Santa-Ana for FP. Can I get some tips from someone who has been there already? Btw, are they open on Saturdays?

Thanks a million in advance.
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Here are the answers to your questions.

1) Kids under age of 14 don\'t need FP.
2) You can do early FP in most of the ASCs.
3) check for more details by searching Fp Experince in and ciba\'s site.
Thank You


Thank you for taking the time to diligently answer my questions. It helped to clear my queries.