Finger Printing : Ink image versus electronic


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Any has experience taking finger print using ink..? what is the difference between electronic versus ink version of FP..

Electronic gets send to FBI for them to do a check on you. It is a lot faster, since they are send electronically and they are already scanned. All FBI has to do is run them through the system and send the results back to USCIS.

INK on the other hand, has to be mailed to FBI. They it has to be scanned and ran through the system.

Also, electronic FP machine lets the operator know if they scanned the finger improperly, so they can rescan it right away. If that happens with ink, you will have to make an extra trip to be fingerprinted again.
Unless you do it overseas, there is a big chance that you will be fingerprinted with ink.
As far as I know theres still ink finger printing in *rural* areas only
INS has some type of a van and they send that straight to your farm or whatever
and even this i am not sure , they might use a laptop or sometype of program to scan u and connect it to the main system or whatever
I guess they have to provide such a "thing" for people that live in the middle of nowhere and/or have dissabilities and whatnot
p.s. I read about it on the ins website somewhere

The above three posts are way off. Finger print by ink exists and I saw it with my own eyes at glenmont, Wheaton center. There were 5 electronic FP machines and 2 booths where they were doing by ink. Wheaton by no means is rural.