Finger Printing Help


Registered Users (C)
My PD = 04/99
RD = 08/01
ND = 09/01 CSC

Received my EAD and AP in 12/01

I still didn't receive my FP notice. Talked to My lawyer and he has sent Fax messages 2 times. CSC says they my FP went to " National service Centre".

anyone in the same boat?

is there anything else I can do?

Thanks in advance for your help

Talk to IIO and see what s/he has to say. Also ask if
they need any material as part of 485.

It is strange that u'r got delayed when most people
are getting in 1/2 months time frame.

Let us know how it goes.
Hi Priya GC,
I recieved FP notice this week. appointment scheduled for 9/20 Oakland INS.

Planning to go to San jose some time soon.

this was after faxing 4 inquiries and talking to the AILA office. I don't which one triggered INS to send the Notice, but finally I got it.

No FP notice till date RD oct 2001, ND Nov 2001

My attorney sent 3 time fax inquiries and I time conversation with INS officer. No results. Please help!!:(
Seems weired that u'r FP hasn't come yet.

There were some posts on this board that mentioned
that they pestered the IIO and Services centers.

Maybe that is the route to take?


From My experience, I think th eonly difference between mine and urs is

1. My lawyer contacted AILA Liason office for CSC and notified them.

2. My Received Date falls into the JIT Report. so may be they dusted my case off, when it propped in the list.

may be you should also try to contact AILA office or wait till ur RD shows up in the JIT report.