Finger Printing - Has this happened to anyone?


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i did my finger printing on 8/31 at San Jose. I called FBI today 09/09 to followup.

The officer told me that they received it on 8/31 and returned it on 8/31 to the INS. I asked him "if that means that the finger prints were received on in your system?" He said "we cannot tell you anything other than we received the request. It has been processed and returned to the INS. As far the finger print quality or results, you will have to call INS".
Has FBI processed any finger printing the same day? My finger prints were taken around 3:45PM PST on 8/31 FRIDAY BEFORE LONG WEEKEND. FBI said they received the request on 8/31 which is the same day (FRIDAY BEFORE LONG WEEKEND). The officer says it was processed returned the INS on 8/31 which after 3:45PM PST on FRIDAY BEFORE LONG WEEKEND. Can FBI finish processing so quickly and efficiently?!

Is there anyway to make sure the print quality was good? The finger printing system at the INS was warning of "Ridge Breaks" on the edges of my fingers. A supervisor did check the work of the "Finger Printing Technician" and approved the prints for processing. Has this happened to anyone of you?

Now, i do believe in my Lord God giving me miracles and I have been praying for it. I just want to make sure that is true.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.
It happened to me too.

I did mine FP a week before you did and the response was the same,
received the same day/processed the same day by FBI and returned.

Don\'t know what the results are, keeping my fingers crossed.
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Yes that\'s correct. FBI sends information to INS that they have verified the FP of the applicant is correct. That\'s normal as they do that the same or next day for everybody. If isn\'t then INS send another FP redo notice to applicant.

From the previous messages posted on this site, FBI then sends detailed checked report to INS. This step is referred to as Background check and may take somewhere from 2 to 6 months based on applicant\'s history. Then the case is ready to be adjuciate for the officer. BAsed on the queue backlog or some INS criteria, the officer picks up the case which might then take 1-6 weeks for the approval.
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I was told by an IIO last week when i called .. FBI issue\'s that report. I did my FP on July 19th and waiting to hear from them. IIO told me that the initial FP was sent by FBI that day itself to INS but they make a complete report. Hey .. That\'s an IIO and we hear different version from them every time. You could be right ..