finger print early date question


Registered Users (C)

The Finger print for my wife is on 2/27/2007 Tuesday at 12 pm.

The Finger print for myself is on 2/28/2007 Wednesday at 10 am.

We have a trip to go to on 2/23/2007 at 9 pm. We will be back on Tuesday 2/27/2007 evening.

Can we both go on Friday 2/23/2007 for the fingerprint ( basically walk in there) and request for fingerprinting ?


Can we both go on Wednesday 2/28/2007 for the fingerprint (at the scheduled time for me) ? Is this going to have adverse effect on my wife's fingerprinting ?

Is going late by one day going to have adverse affect ?



Both of you can go on 2/28/2007 together and there will not be a problem. There are countless cases like these and I personally know atleast five. There is no issue if you go at a different day / time of the fingerprinting appointment (provided you have an appointment notice). Many people have even gone few days earlier (multiple postings on this forum) and had no issue at all.

Relax and all the best.
I don't know why you are waiting till 23rd. You can walk in anytime. Just don't say or request anything when you hand the letter to the security guard and if they ask tell them you both plan to be away that date.