finallyyyyy background check has been completed


Registered Users (C)
almost 9 months of patience I heard a good news from the National Customer Service Center rep, that my background check has been completed and now its being sent to some supervisor for reviewing my applicaiton and to decide whether to approve or deny my case

applied June 2005

FP - Dece 2005
Interview - February 2006
Bakground Check Done - October 2006
waiting for oath letter

future us citizen
futureuscitizen said:
almost 9 months of patience I heard a good news from the National Customer Service Center rep, that my background check has been completed and now its being sent to some supervisor for reviewing my applicaiton and to decide whether to approve or deny my case

futureuscitizen said:
almost 9 months of patience I heard a good news from the National Customer Service Center rep, that my background check has been completed and now its being sent to some supervisor for reviewing my applicaiton and to decide whether to approve or deny my case

applied June 2005

FP - Dece 2005
Interview - February 2006
Bakground Check Done - October 2006
waiting for oath letter

future us citizen
I would suggest that you verify that as the 800 number reps don not offer, in most cases, confirmed or accurate information. They could simply say that to get rid of your calls. I would suggest you scheduling an info pass and get the final word from the DO. to get the peace of mind!

Having said that, of course there is always the possibility that they are telling the truth accurately who knows, in this case, i would like to congratulate you and enjoy the Oath. :)

Sony2006 said:
I would suggest that you verify that as the 800 number reps don not offer, in most cases, confirmed or accurate information. They could simply say that to get rid of your calls. I would suggest you scheduling an info pass and get the final word from the DO. to get the peace of mind! Sony

I agree with Sony2006. If my experience with 800 reps. is any indication I am sure they blurt anything to get you off the phone. I don't mean to rain on your parade though. If your name check has truly come through many congrats and you should be a citizen pretty soon. Good luck.
futureuscitizen said:
almost 9 months of patience I heard a good news from the National Customer Service Center rep, that my background check has been completed and now its being sent to some supervisor for reviewing my applicaiton and to decide whether to approve or deny my case

applied June 2005

FP - Dece 2005
Interview - February 2006
Bakground Check Done - October 2006
waiting for oath letter

future us citizen

Whats your nationality ?
futureuscitizen said:
almost 9 months of patience I heard a good news from the National Customer Service Center rep, that my background check has been completed and now its being sent to some supervisor for reviewing my applicaiton and to decide whether to approve or deny my case

applied June 2005

FP - Dece 2005
Interview - February 2006
Bakground Check Done - October 2006
waiting for oath letter

future us citizen

Congratulations, futureuscitizen!

Our timelines are identical, what District Office are you with?
thank you all for the wishes and suggestions. But I cant wait for monday to come, to dounlechecl the information. I emailed the ombudsman's office about it. Hopefully they will tell me the truth

Still I asked the rep 4 times, did my background check has been completed.? she said yes

Nationality: India
futureuscitizen said:
thank you all for the wishes and suggestions. But I cant wait for monday to come, to dounlechecl the information. I emailed the ombudsman's office about it. Hopefully they will tell me the truth

Still I asked the rep 4 times, did my background check has been completed.? she said yes

Nationality: India
Oh the ombudsman office takes forever to reply! You might hear from the USCIS before you hear from his office, i am speaking from experience. However, whatever makes you happy.

Good luck and Congratulations!
futureuscitizen said:
i had a good experience with that office. they were predy fast in reply.
wow, that's interesting , would you please let me know how fast, because in my case it took them 4 months just to tell me that my case is in queue!

first reply was a month then I replied , they replied to that withing a day and the final reply was within hours.

i think it depends upon who is taking acare of it
Congrats!!! Future. Anytime anyone clears that dreaded namecheck, it's good news indeed. I hope everything works out for you.


SONY 2006 was correct. Sometimes the customer serive reps have no clue what they are talking about.

Background check is still pending.

I have confirmed that from another rep and he seems to know things predy well. a full long weekend of joy has been gone.

thanks guys for the replies and info
futureuscitizen said:
SONY 2006 was correct. Sometimes the customer serive reps have no clue what they are talking about.

Background check is still pending.

I have confirmed that from another rep and he seems to know things predy well. a full long weekend of joy has been gone.

thanks guys for the replies and info

Did you do an infopass ? That is the surest way to find out
i really dont want to spend an entire day in NYC for a single sentence of answer "background check pending" and they cant guarantee how long its going to take.
futureuscitizen said:
SONY 2006 was correct. Sometimes the customer serive reps have no clue what they are talking about.

Background check is still pending.

I have confirmed that from another rep and he seems to know things predy well. a full long weekend of joy has been gone.

thanks guys for the replies and info
So, you mean you called the 800 # again and another Rep. told you that your check is pending? if that is the case; this info also could be inaccurate, and once again, they could be saying that to get you to give up and stop calling at least for a while. I know i sound pesimistic, but believe me i am talking from experience. You can get piece of mind if you go to the DO.

Or, you can wait if you don't want to make the drive to, probably, just hear that sentence;"pending name check"!

Anyway, I wish you the very best of luck, and please keep us updated.
