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Well I finally received the interview letter yesterday, geez it was about time, I checked my mailbox so many times that I had to replace the key, I found out I aqcuired (IMS) impulsive mailbox search since I filled my N-400.

Well hopefully, I will not run into any stumbling block. I will definately post the outcome of my interview. Knowing Philly DO, I will probably be recieving a descheduling letter in about a week, but hopefully not. Below is my timeline for the Philly DO.

PD: 10-22-04

FP: 12-13-04

IV: 09-08-05 :p :p

Deschedule: ??-??-?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oath: ??-??-?? :D :) :p

May the forces be with us all
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VIDASH said:

Well I finally received the interview letter yesterday, geez it was about time, I checked my mailbox so many times that I had to replace the key, I found out I aqcuired (IMS) impulsive mailbox search since I filled my N-400.

Well hopefully, I will not run into any stumbling block. I will definately post the outcome of my interview. Knowing Philly DO, I will probably be recieving a descheduling letter in about a week, but hopefully not. Below is my timeline for the Philly DO.

PD: 10-22-04

FP: 12-13-04

IV: 09-08-05 :p :p

Deschedule: ??-??-?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oath: ??-??-?? :D :) :p

May the forces be with us all

Congratulations! who may get to take the oath the same day.
Congratulations VIDASH....
Study for the Interview, dress well, and make sure you have all your paper, take everything and anything … it’s your day ;) I wish you all the best

Thank you guys sooo much for the inspiration. I have started studying already. Since my IMS is in remision right now, I am hoping not to get a letter of descheduling, cause I know that will definately bring back my IMS, and I got to tell ya, it is not fun.

Rusom: I hope your IMS goes into remision soon, the only way that happens is when u get the interview letter, so I hope u get it sooner than I did. Good luck to all of those still waitting for their interview letters, If I was able to hang in there as impatient as I am, I know u all can hang in there too, not that we have any choice but to hang in there. :) :) :)

Thanks once again for the morale guys.
All the best for the interview. You should not have much the worry about, most folks in USCIS philly seem to be fairly friendly and you should not expect much other than the standard 100 questions along with other general questions like "why do you want to become a citizen" etc.
Arrive well in advance. There are tons of paid parking lots in the few blocks around the office as also metered lots right outside.
If you dont live in Philly and are driving in, particularly from west of Philly, give yourself lots of extra time since the freeways coming in have a tendency to be clogged at a couple of points almost always.
There is unfortunately no same day oath in Philly so you have to wait your turn but sometimes interviewing officers can "estimate".
All the best and you should do fine.

Thanks for much for the advice Krakow007 for the words of encouragemnt.

So how long does it take to get the oath letter? About 3months or more? Well I guess if I have waited this long, I can wait some more. Like I actually have a choice???

Thanks again guys.
Impulsive Mail Search

I believe I also acquired IMS right after filing my N-400. Aside from too much anxiety and anticipation, I had a pretty bad experienced I had encountered w/ mail delivery. I am waiting for my notice for finger printing when the USPS mis-sorted the mail and place my letter in the wrong address/mailbox. Fortunately a good Samaritan who received my mail , called and told me about it. I drove 50 miles to get it personally because I don’t want to get it lost again. Hmmm. The window envelop states clearly my address! Hmmmp! Sometimes I got to question the credibility of USPS. Anyway, now I am waiting for my oath appointment and I am in too much anticipation again.

I wonder, this are very important papers and if something got missed because of unfortunate event, why cant they mail them in registered or certified mail. Processing fee is awful expensive already that I thin they can afford to get them certified or even a confirmation. Does someone agree?
As far as oath letters are concerned, it really depends on where you are and how frequently oaths happen there. In Central PA (Harrisburg actually), the rates are not very frequent. I know that for Hbg, there is one on Sep 20th and another one sometime in Nov first week. If you live in this area, from your dates it looks like the one in Nov is more likely for you. Keep us posted on your interview experiences.

Hey thanks buddy,

I will definately post my interview experience here. I am getting really nervous though. What types of questions beside the American History and civics test should I expect. I live in Harrisburg and would certainly not mind either of the dates u posted. Now how and where do I find those dates? Thanks so much for taking time out to respond to my paranoid posting :) .
There should be absolutely nothing to worry about. The only extra question they asked my wife over and above the 100 questions were "why do you want to be a US citizen". Keep a cheerful demeanor and dont let their expressions get in your way. Most of them are very friendly, even if not initially, definitely at the end when you are done with your interview.
Regarding Hbg oath dates - after your interview, ask your interviewer if they have an idea when the oath would be, sometimes they do. Otherwise, assuming that you are just waiting to be scheduled for an oath, you will have to find out the dates of the next few oath ceremonies scheduled and wait to make it to one of them. Oaths typically happen in either the US district court in downtown, near the capitol, or at the Dauphin County court near the riverfront on front street. Dauphin county court calendar is online at|26967|
check their 2005 and 2006 court calendars in pdf form and look for naturalization ceremonies. For the US district courts you will unfortunately have to call them and find out their schedules. You can get the contact numbers from or by calling (717) 221-3920 (found number from google).
Hope this helps
krakow007 said:
There should be absolutely nothing to worry about. The only extra question they asked my wife over and above the 100 questions were "why do you want to be a US citizen". Keep a cheerful demeanor and dont let their expressions get in your way. Most of them are very friendly, even if not initially, definitely at the end when you are done with your interview.
Regarding Hbg oath dates - after your interview, ask your interviewer if they have an idea when the oath would be, sometimes they do. Otherwise, assuming that you are just waiting to be scheduled for an oath, you will have to find out the dates of the next few oath ceremonies scheduled and wait to make it to one of them. Oaths typically happen in either the US district court in downtown, near the capitol, or at the Dauphin County court near the riverfront on front street. Dauphin county court calendar is online at|26967|
check their 2005 and 2006 court calendars in pdf form and look for naturalization ceremonies. For the US district courts you will unfortunately have to call them and find out their schedules. You can get the contact numbers from or by calling (717) 221-3920 (found number from google).
Hope this helps

Just wondering What would be the best answer to "Why do you want to be the USC"?

ip_everywhere said:
Just wondering What would be the best answer to "Why do you want to be the USC"?


How about:

1) I would like to vote in the elections and may eventually run for an office.
2) I would like to travel with a U. S. passport.
3) I would like to work for a Federal Govt.
4) I would like to help sponsor my immidiate family immigrate to the U.S.
my IV in Philly got descheduled, what next?

Hi, I am new to here. My IV on Aug 4 got descheduled 10 days before the IV date. I have not received any reschedule letter yet. I think I got some kind of IMS since :-(

I don't know why my IV got descheduled, I hope you guys can help me out a little here. What's the typical reason for descheduling in Philly DO and how soon will one typically receive a IV reschedule letter?

I have a friend whose IV date is Aug2, and his IV got kept and he is going to the Oath Ceremony on Sept 1st in Philly. I am happy for him, guess different people get different luck.

Civics Questions in Interview: How many correct is PASS

From all the postings of the people who have taken the interview successfully, it appears that there are ten questions. I think that I am fairly well prepared for my test on Sept 13th but there are not guarantees around getting all the answers correct. So, I need information on does any one have any idea how many correct answers out of ten is considered PASS for the civics test?

:) Hi Sunny, I am sooo happy for you, no descheduling or nothing, it does not get any better than that with the Philly Do. I have heard a lot of good things about the interviewers though, so that is a plus at least.

So how long did they say you have to wait till your oath date? I hope sooner than later. There are only two oath dates left in Harrisburg for this year, and I don't know if I will make either one since my interview is so close to both Oath dates.

Do u know where you will be taking your oath? Well do update us and let us join you in your jubilation of becoming a Citizen, hopefully, this will be your last encounter with immigration. :) :) :) :)

Once again congratulations!!!!!!!
avjohn said:
From all the postings of the people who have taken the interview successfully, it appears that there are ten questions. I think that I am fairly well prepared for my test on Sept 13th but there are not guarantees around getting all the answers correct. So, I need information on does any one have any idea how many correct answers out of ten is considered PASS for the civics test?

6 out of 10.

I think during my interview she stopped after I got 6 out of 6.
what is IMS and how to get it. Please help. My local postman always misplace mails and I worry that my correspondences with USCIS would be lost. Thank you

IMS will not benefit you at all but rather make you anxious or I'mpulsive. You will also be frequently going to your M'ailbox S'earching for mail but eventually give you no happiness. So just dont worry about it.
