Finally! Yippiekayay MoFo!!


Registered Users (C)
Four years on the dot after my priority date my 485 got approved. NSC EB3 India, PD 5/97, ND 10/99, AD 4/01.
Though I am glad that this is over, I have to say that this was the most frustrating & disgusting process I\'ve been through. While NSC estimated 460 days to get the 485 adjudicated, it actually took 577 days!
Which other government service paid for my our tax dollars can get away with treating us with such disdain?
I hope this new law makes the INS better before some frustrated immigrant goes postal on them.

While millions of hardworking and law abiding immigrants feed this country\'s economy every day contributing billions of dollars, the inefficiencies of this wretched organization curbs the entrepreneurship & freedom of these very valuable people.

From age 26 though 30 I was basically stuck in a job waiting. These were the most valuable 4 years of my professional life. What\'s the value of that? The funny thing is that after bending us over and screwing us these yahoo IIOs who make 5 bucks an hour and flip burgers in the evenings treat us like they are doing us a freaking favor!

Screw the INS! In about 5 years I\'ll have my citizenship and then no more INS!

P.S: This board was very helpful and so was myladoor\'s tracker. Thanks all.
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congrates! Just curious, if anybody knows, how much these IIOs are making /year and what are their required qualifications?
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The IIOs come across as low level customer \'service\' reps. All they seem to need by way of qualifications is the ability to read a computer screen. They also seem to posess the uncanny ability to be rude to nice & timid folk.

I would figure they make about 10 bucks an hour and need a high school diploma with a little experience in the \'service\' industry. So far though, the only thing they seem to be servicing is my rear end.

take care.
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Congrats! Added a new entry to NSC Tracker as I didn\'t see the name. Please post your FP when you get a chance.
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Re: Myladoor

I actually have an entry in your tracker. I put it in quite a while back and dont remember what name I put in. Maybe the following data will let you identify me:

PD - 5/97
RD - 10/99
ND - 10/99
FP - 12/00

thank you and keep up the good work.
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Congratulations !!!

I fully agree with you regarding the effect this process
has , on our lives .
Slowly it creeps on to our spouses and so to so even our parents .

Anyway , now Enjoy your life !!!!!
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You know sometime in the future like 20 years from now, the process will be streamlined & efficient and people like you and I will be telling our grandkids how horrible it used to be.

Or then again... 20 yrs from there will be no INS. Who knows....

I\'m just glad that I\'m in the fold... and hope the same for others.