Finally its my turn to say that word Approved!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,
Myself and my spouces case got Approved on June 13th which i happened to check now, i just cant trust the message.

Following are the details.
Approval Date:06/13/2003


I know what BCIS doing is not fair, because their are lot of other who applied before me and waiting for their approval, infact a friend of mine applied 5th of November 2001 still waiting and when i told this info to him he was so excited and happy for me as if his case was approved, i dont know what to say to him i beleave thats called friendship and i have seen the same kind of responce from this group in the past, so this group is nothing but friendship group,so folks just hang in thier you all will get your chance soon.
ill update the fourm after receiving the approval letter.
Very big Congrats !!!

Thanks you for posting a nice message to us. This is a true friendship.

There are huge number of persons still waiting to get their approvals.
I have posted a message to this forum that "What is the basis/criteria for processing I-485, i.e. RD or ND or FP Date basis?"

We are very much confused???
GURUS pl. discuss if you have any idea.

6/13 Friday was indeed some people's lucky day!

I found a few approvals on that day in EAC-02-108-50 series, now these in -110- series.
My EAC# falls in EAC-02-108 series, but none of those approvals was mine -:(
See the STATS from EAC-02-110-50800 to EAC-02-110-50899

EAC-02-110-50800 to EAC-02-110-50899
Resumed - 6
Received - 2
Approved on June 4th - 1
Approved on June 13th - 2
Approved on May 1st - 1

Total cases 12
Approved 4
Good Luck..

Pls update


Most of the Approvals are on Friday, the 13th, as I guess BCIS picked up pace around that time, just to show that they are moving ahead b4 they came out w/ their new processing date on the 15th of the month..!!

And no further approvals ..after June 13th.. :(
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