Finally its my turn - Aug RD 15


Registered Users (C)
Just checked online - expecting to see the same old fingerprinting message...- finally Approved!! RD Aug 15th, 01 and ND- OCT18, 01
Approved on 10/10/02!


So you don't need wool now...
You escaped before the start of the winter ...

Good Luck !
Congratulations Wool! You have shown some hope for the remaining August filers. Have a wonderful celebration. Hope Venati, Vengan and GC wallababa soon follow.
Vow!!! Congrats!! Nice to see an august approval after a long time.. I just check my status online.. same old thing..
Lets hope all the rest of us get approved soon....
Good going!

Make sure you take care of your Social Security Number.

I don't like to use the word FREEDOM like others.
("Enjoy your Freedom").


I would like to say have a wonderful life...enjoy!!



How about saying, continue having a wonderful life, enjoy and be prepared for more sweet n' sour challenges of life. ;) :)
Thanks guys!

I am trying to read old posts to see what I need to do once I get the letter from the INS.

What do I need to do for stamping?
What do I need to do for Social Security Card (If anything)
Do I have to do anything to get the card?

Thanks...any help is appreciated.

Remaining August filers your turn soon!