Finally it is my turn :)


Registered Users (C)
Just a minute ago I saw the magic words

"This case has been approved. On March 31, 2004, an approval notice was mailed. If 14 days ..blah blah blah"

It has been a long journey.

Filed for LC 02/00
LC approved 08/00
I-140 filed 08/00
I-140 approved 12/00

Waited for 3 months for the PD to become current.

I-485, I-131 and I-765 were filed when the PD became current as per the visa bulletin. My PD would have become current on March 1st, 2001. The application sent by my attorney reached INS one day early , on Feb 27. The receipt date was March 3rd.

First EAD and and AP were approved in couple of months.

First FP 05/00
Secont FP 09/00 (citing that the fingerprints could not be interpretted)

Then came the bombshell on 10/20/00 saying the I-485s have been denied because it was filed before the priority became current. My attorney's office said they can not reopen the case (even though the reciept date was in March). They filed our applications for I-485, I-131 and I-765 again.

For this set of applicatios,
Received date 10/28/00
Notice date 11/15/00 (wac020405****)

3rd FP 04/01

After this nothing happened ; The status message did not even change from the "your case was receieved on blah blah " for over 18 months.

4th FP 10/03

1st RFE 11/29/03 (for employers letter, tax returns and medical)

RFE reply recived 12/23/03

2nd RFE (for spouse) issued 01/23/04 (for medical)

5th FP 02/04

RFE reply received 03/11/04

Aproval date 03/31/04

In between, we got two more sets of EADs and APs ; and two one year extension to my H1-B.

I would thank every member here - and the work and mutual help bit is offers. I'm also glad to say I did my bit too by joining some of the e-mail campaigns.


Congratulations ..5 FPs and i think you hold the record
for having the maximum number of FP's , congrats for this as

what they do with FPs.,sell them ??

Enjoy your freedom RAM kriya jee.

I am still hanging on after 4 FPs

When will I get freedom?

King Anil in exile

WAC-01-135 ******