Finally Heard the Magic Words " Approved" RD 7/09/2001


New Member
Although I\'m not an active visitor of this site, I thought my approval news would bring hopes to all those who applied under 245(i) for my wife as a dependent applicant. My case was approved without an RFE or Transfer and the worst nightmare is over. Approved on March 21st 2002 (today)
PD : 6/99
RD : 07/09/2001
ND : 08/24/2001
EAC : 01-254-xxxxx
FP : 12/26/2001
AD : 03/21/2002
State : NJ
thanks. this gives hope to those who blame "7/2-7/12 are with a lazy officer" :)

No Title

Both are same indeed it was a typo on my part the AD should read 03/21/2002.


Relax! He\'s probably just copied and pasted the previous approval and changed the relevant details. He wouldn\'t have posted in the same thread if he was upto mischief.