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Finally Got Approval!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi everybody!
Today was a day I was waiting for sooo long!!! Today I got a stamp in my passport!!!!!
I was on this forum for a while and it was very heplful, altough I had a lawyer for my case, a lot of things I learned and acted only because reading about other peoples experiences. So I want to thank ALL OF YOU GUYS who helped me a lot to go ahead to receive my permanent residency! It was so hard and frustrating to wait for so long and receive it right in the end of September! But finally everything worked out and I got clearence from FBI Name Check which was the major delay in my case, so after that it was just the matter of days to get the stamp...
I wish all the best to everybody who is in process and good luck!!!
Hi I Was Also In Your Position My Interview Date Was January 8, 2006 And I Received Visa Last Week Of June , More Than 6 Month .
I Know What Kind Of Hell Passing The Time .
