Finally CSC message changed !!


Registered Users (C)
Maybe this weeks conversation with IIO made all the difference...
I just checked AVM and found that the message for me and wife has chanhed to "On march 15,2002 after approving your application we have ordered a new card......blah blah" i guess we should be getting our cards in 1 week....

I don\'t know when to expect mine. I just stamped at the end of February, but my AVM message hasn\'t even been updated to case approved, it is still with the FP received message and process resumed. I hope the average of 3 months turns true. I am not in a big hurry, but better to have the peace of mind to change from address without worrying about that.


Can you please give some details about your conversation with the IIO? I am in the same situation as yourself and the message still has not changed.

No Title

when did u stamp ur passports ? I and wife did on aug 27,2001 at Santa Ana CA. Tell IIO to take a "printout" of ur case and give it to her suprvisor for furthur pursual. That does the trick...