Finally April Case Approved today 03/20

Well - Wisher

Registered Users (C)
By the Grace of GOD. Our case(my self, wife\'s and son\'s) has been approved today 3/20.
Was little disappointed by looking May, June and July Approvals. Any way its an wonderful moment.

Wanted to post this message here asap, but I was away from computer. Sorry for posting this message little late.

RD: 04/18
ND: 06/29
FP: 11/9
Recpt. EAC-01-214-5****
PD: 12/99
AD: 03/20

NO RFE. Never used EAD & AP.

Note: I checked AVM at 2:30 PM EST. AVM says \'This case has been approved on march 20th .....

Guys, Looks like there is no specific time for AVM update.

Thanks everybody for this great site. Wishing you the best of luck. Yours is on the way, do not worry.........

Thanks again
To ypt.

I called IIO in 2nd wk of Feb but she didn\'t gave any useful info.

I asked her \'what is the status of my case ?.
she said, my case is pending.
when I asked again whether my case has been assigned to officer or not? she said \'no decision has been made\'.
