finally approved after almost 1000 days!


Registered Users (C)
Just checked online message and it says that my case got approved yesterday! It is a long journy full of frustration and hope, finally it's over!
the other members in the family haven't got approved yet.

I want to say to those who are still waiting that your day will come soon, trust me! Especially the ones who filed case in 2001, I know how you guys are feeling but just cheer up and wait. The senator's office really helped me, so try to get help from them.

This site is a great place! I was a silent obsever just before last week, but I shared every joy, pain, frustration and hope with you guys here, it's like a family for me, I check this site many times a day, and now I hope that this old case aaproval could give you encouragement and hope!

Thanks so much to everyone who keeps this site running!
RD: 9-4-2001
ND: 9-28-2001
FP1: 5-2001
FP2: 4-2001
No Ref., no job changing.
Sorry I didn't registed on runpet.
09-01, I think you put a wrong date for your 2nd FP.
Also can I ask your location? Because I may try to get help from the same Senator as the Senator office I contacted did not help much.
He just wrote emails not called
Sorry to bother again 09-01
Why did you decide to call FBI? Was it because you were told that your case "under name check"?
yes, I was told by senator's office that my name check has not been completed according to NSC when I fist contacted his office Feb 2004, so I called FBI, 3 days later a very nice lady called me and told me that since my case was so old so she has pulled it out and somebody would run the ckeck the other day, and 2 weeks later I got call back from FBI and was told that it has been done (the day after she called) and sent to INS headquarter in DC.

Good to see an old timer being approved. Thanks for sharing your information with us.