Finally Approooved!!!!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
HI Folks,

Finally got the magic emails of approval for myself and spouse. Its been a long 5 1/2 yrs from the time we applied for Labor.

I would like to thank this wonderful forum and all the members for support and help during this period. For all other 2002 filers still waiting you're almost there!!!!!!

ND 9/02
FP 1/7/05
AD 2/16/05 :) :)
Congrats! Can you post your ND/RD ? (day of sept 2002 ?)
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Congrate suflalae, did you online message change after you did your FP? How many days does it usually take for the online message to change to "Fp received ......."?
Congrats & All the best for your future

suflalae said:
HI Folks,

Finally got the magic emails of approval for myself and spouse. Its been a long 5 1/2 yrs from the time we applied for Labor.

I would like to thank this wonderful forum and all the members for support and help during this period. For all other 2002 filers still waiting you're almost there!!!!!!

ND 9/02
FP 1/7/05
AD 2/16/05 :) :)


Nice to see another 2002 approval.

Enjoy your freedom and PR status.

:) :)
Thank you all so much for your wishes.

ihack the nd is 9/25/02 and I think you are right!!( seems like TSC started working ). Its really nice to see so many approvals yesterday.

Vidy5300, there was no change in LUD or online message whatsoever. We were actually getting worried b'coz a lot of our friends who FP in late Jan and early Feb also got " received FP and processing resumed...." update online. I did an status inquiry on Jan 15 and got a reply on 27 Jan saying that "the case will be referred to supervisor......" for me. There was no LUD or online message change for my wife until the approval yesterday.

Take care
Congratulations, and Happy G.C to u and family

Glad to see approvals are comming

5 1/2 year is really long wait, would u care to share detail plz?

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