Finally 10 Year wait is over


Registered Users (C)
Heard from the AVM just now that my I-485 has been approved on June 4th, 2001. Been in this country from 1991 and after completing MS had to wait this long for the much awaited so called GC.
PD : 02/23/99 (3rd one)
I-485: RD: 05/30/00
         ND: 06/21/00
AVM AD: 06/04/01
Waiting for actual approval notice.
Thank you all for your input which helped to track the status of I-485\'s.
Good luck to all of you.

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Finally 10 Year wait is over ....
Heard from the AVM just now that my I-485 has been approved on June 4th, 2001. Been in this country from 1991 and after completing MS had to wait this long for the much awaited so called GC.
LIN 00 192 51###
PD : 02/23/99 (3rd one)
I-485: RD: 05/30/00
         ND: 06/21/00
FP : 02/06/01
AVM AD: 06/04/01
Waiting for actual approval notice.
Thank you all for your input which helped to track the status of I-485\'s.
Good luck to all of you.
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Receive Approval Notice courtesy copy on Saturday and the approval date on it is 06/04/01. The original has been sent to the lawyer.
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Mine was approved too
rd 4/12/00
ND 5/15/00
fp1 1/24/01 (rejected)
fp2 2/23/01

ad 6/4/01 (both mine and wife)

Board has been great help,
any recent passport stamping experiences?