FINAL VER. CONGRESSMEN LETTER (H.R. 4241 + S.1932 Amendment)


Registered Users (C)
Please see this post::

Cont. from S.1932 status thread:

1) Please see msg. #451 on this (S.1932 status) thread. That is a FINAL PERSONALIZED version of the letter that I had my husband send.
2) A more general version is attached.
3) Write to congressmen at the moment because they can add amendments (we will write to conference committee members later). a. Find your zip code:,
b) Also, find your congressman here:
4) Google the congressperson and find contact details on their website itself. You can email most of them too. Som of them you ahve to FAX.

It doesn't matter if others are not taking efforts. Trust me, there are MANY who have no clue about what is going on. Also, if we send the same letter - it will be a good sign to show that we as an immigrant community/diaspora are tremndously united.

spgtopper said:
Please see this post::

Cont. from S.1932 status thread:

1) Please see msg. #451 on this (S.1932 status) thread. That is a FINAL PERSONALIZED version of the letter that I had my husband send.
2) A more general version is attached.
3) Write to congressmen at the moment because they can add amendments (we will write to conference committee members later). a. Find your zip code:,
b) Also, find your congressman here:
4) Google the congressperson and find contact details on their website itself. You can email most of them too. Som of them you ahve to FAX.

It doesn't matter if others are not taking efforts. Trust me, there are MANY who have no clue about what is going on. Also, if we send the same letter - it will be a good sign to show that we as an immigrant community/diaspora are tremndously united.


Thanks i used it..
Does any one know how to send this letter as email to all congresspersons representing one's state?
The web site does not allow to send email to any one else but representative of one's district only.
Hello Everyone,

Please note that as of today we have only two chance to solve our EB retrogression problem.

Chance 1: We request the House of Representatives to introduce and support the amendment in the house bill # 4241 in line with the senate bill # 1932.

Chance 2: If Chance 1 fails, we request Conference commitee members to address EB retrogression problem by allowing us to file I485 even though the date is not current and exclude Spouse and children from counting.

At this time what we want is that House passes the bill that is exactly similar to the Senate version. In order to win this battle we must convince the House of Representative to introduce the amendment in the house bill in line with the Senate bill. If we are able to do that and if House passes the bill that is similar to the Senate version we don't have to go through the conference commitee. For that reason please please mention this line: "Introduce an Amendment in the House for bill# 4241 in line with the S. 1932, Sections 8001 & 8002"

If no House of Representative makes the amendment, then in that case we will have to go through the conference commitee. During that period of time we will ask the conference commitee members to address EB retrogression problem by allowing us to file I485 even though the date is not current and exclude Spouse and children from counting.

I think that this will be a good strategy in current situation. Please share your thoughts.
Sent letter to congress man Mike Rogers

I have sent the letter to Congressman Mike Rogers from my district in Alabama. I will contact all my local friends to do the same. Thank you all.
spgtopper said:
Please see this post::

Cont. from S.1932 status thread:

1) Please see msg. #451 on this (S.1932 status) thread. That is a FINAL PERSONALIZED version of the letter that I had my husband send.
2) A more general version is attached.
3) Write to congressmen at the moment because they can add amendments (we will write to conference committee members later). a. Find your zip code:,
b) Also, find your congressman here:
4) Google the congressperson and find contact details on their website itself. You can email most of them too. Som of them you ahve to FAX.

It doesn't matter if others are not taking efforts. Trust me, there are MANY who have no clue about what is going on. Also, if we send the same letter - it will be a good sign to show that we as an immigrant community/diaspora are tremndously united.


The letter looks good. Nice effort. However I have a small openion. Most of the congressmen may not know the terminology used in the letter, like AC21, 485, labor approved ect.. It may confuse, if one does not know these background informations. Therefore, replace by generic description when you fax it to the congressmen.
I have a question


I would like to ask a simple question here. We are making a template of a letter and then personalizing it slightly and faxinge-mailing to House reps/Senators/Committee etc. Well thats OK and lets keep doing that.

But how about we modify the letter slightly so it becomes generic and then list the names of people who are in a petition.....and then just one document with a ton of names on it. That way, they dont have to read hundreds of pages to get the same message. And they will see the NEED by looking at the number of people who ahve listed their name on it. It wont too much effort for people to just add their name to such a common document. I have asked some of my friends to participate in sending letters to Senators but they are lazy. However, if I just tell them to go to a site and submit their name, they will readily do it. This will also give us an idea of how many people are actually participating in thsi effort.

Does this make sense? If not, you can ignore it.
makes sense


I think ur suggestion makes a TON of sense. However i am not sure we have enough time to get everyone's signature. Also, the logistics wud have to be worked out for getting signatures of ppl all over the country.

What could be done is, some one person can lead this letter and just print out all the names of the ppl on this board. Even an attorney like Mr. Khanna can do the same and include all our names. It wud be wise to include names of dependants as well, (more names on that list = more strength).

If the logistics can be worked out, this idea could prove to be quite potent.
You can send fax using this

Normal said:
Does any one know how to send this letter as email to all congresspersons representing one's state?
The web site does not allow to send email to any one else but representative of one's district only.

Please visit: and fax congressman from this site, it is very easy.. just few clicks.
I just sent fax from to following Texas Senator/Congressmen.

John Cornyn--Fax No:2022282856
Kay Bailey Hutchison--Fax No:2022240776
Ruben Hinojosa--Fax No:2022255688
Solomon Ortiz--Fax No:2022261134
Sheila Jackson Lee--Fax No:2022253317
Enrique Cuellar--Fax No:2022251641
Louis Gohmert--Fax No:2022255866
Michael McCaul--Fax No:2022255955
Jeb Hensarling--Fax No:2022264888
Henry Bonilla--Fax No:2022252237
Charles Gonzalez--Fax No:2022251915
Silvestre Reyes--Fax No:2022252016
Lloyd Doggett--Fax No:2022252947
Ted Poe--Fax No:2022255547
Chet Edwards--Fax No:2022252234
John Carter--Fax No:2022255886
Al Green--Fax No:2022252947
Kay Granger--Fax No:2022255683
Ron Paul--Fax No:2022266288
Michael Burgess--Fax No:2022252919
Gene Green--Fax No:2022259903
Kevin Brady--Fax No:2022255524
Mike Conaway--Fax No:2022251783
Mac Thornberry--Fax No:2022253486
Randy Neugebauer--Fax No:2022259615
Tom DeLay--Fax No:2022255241
Sam Johnson--Fax No:2022251485
Eddie Bernice Johnson--Fax No:2022261477
Joe Barton--Fax No:2022253052
John Culberson--Fax No:2022254381
Lamar Smith--Fax No:2022258628
Pete Sessions--Fax No:2022255878
Kenny Marchant--Fax No:2022250074
Ralph Hall--Fax No:2022253332

Good Luck Online Fax

Please fax to your senators/congressmen through

Malik_Labor said:
I just sent fax from to following Texas Senator/Congressmen.

John Cornyn--Fax No:2022282856
Kay Bailey Hutchison--Fax No:2022240776
Ruben Hinojosa--Fax No:2022255688
Solomon Ortiz--Fax No:2022261134
Sheila Jackson Lee--Fax No:2022253317
Enrique Cuellar--Fax No:2022251641
Louis Gohmert--Fax No:2022255866
Michael McCaul--Fax No:2022255955
Jeb Hensarling--Fax No:2022264888
Henry Bonilla--Fax No:2022252237
Charles Gonzalez--Fax No:2022251915
Silvestre Reyes--Fax No:2022252016
Lloyd Doggett--Fax No:2022252947
Ted Poe--Fax No:2022255547
Chet Edwards--Fax No:2022252234
John Carter--Fax No:2022255886
Al Green--Fax No:2022252947
Kay Granger--Fax No:2022255683
Ron Paul--Fax No:2022266288
Michael Burgess--Fax No:2022252919
Gene Green--Fax No:2022259903
Kevin Brady--Fax No:2022255524
Mike Conaway--Fax No:2022251783
Mac Thornberry--Fax No:2022253486
Randy Neugebauer--Fax No:2022259615
Tom DeLay--Fax No:2022255241
Sam Johnson--Fax No:2022251485
Eddie Bernice Johnson--Fax No:2022261477
Joe Barton--Fax No:2022253052
John Culberson--Fax No:2022254381
Lamar Smith--Fax No:2022258628
Pete Sessions--Fax No:2022255878
Kenny Marchant--Fax No:2022250074
Ralph Hall--Fax No:2022253332

Good Luck
I have emailed the letter to Vern Ehlers of Michigan.

I have emailed the letter to congressman Mr. Vern Ehlers of Michigan.
Sent Fax Message

I have sent fax message to the following

Senator/Congressmen Name: John W. Warner--Fax No:2022246295
Senator/Congressmen Name: George Allen--Fax No:2022245432
Senator/Congressmen Name: Nick Rahall--Fax No:2022259061
Senator/Congressmen Name: Robert Scott--Fax No:2022258354
Senator/Congressmen Name: Alan Mollohan--Fax No:2022257564
Senator/Congressmen Name: Thelma Drake--Fax No:2022254218
Senator/Congressmen Name: Jim Moran--Fax No:2022250017
Senator/Congressmen Name: Rick Boucher--Fax No:2022250442
Senator/Congressmen Name: Randy Forbes--Fax No:2022261170
Senator/Congressmen Name: Eric Cantor--Fax No:2022250011
Senator/Congressmen Name: Virgil Goode--Fax No:2022254711
Senator/Congressmen Name: Tom Davis--Fax No:2022253071
Senator/Congressmen Name: Bob Goodlatte--Fax No:2022259681
Senator/Congressmen Name: Frank Wolf--Fax No:2022250437
Senator/Congressmen Name: Jo Ann Davis--Fax No:2022254382
Senator/Congressmen Name: Shelley Capito--Fax No:2022257856