Final Review to In Process


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I called my Attorney's office, and they said that all the cases with their office, with previous status of Audit Review and Final Review has been changed to "In Process".

Does anyone has any idea, what they are cooking ???
Is this a new Status introduced to tell us that you still not there yet, and your case is In Process ??

Mine was in Final Review since Jun 24

Hoping for some miracle :confused:
Not only for "Audit/Final review cases"

My attorney applied my case on July 25 and it got denied... we figured that one date was mistyped. We resubmitted the case and went to Final review on 25th. Now both cases showing " In process".

deshu77 said:
I called my Attorney's office, and they said that all the cases with their office, with previous status of Audit Review and Final Review has been changed to "In Process".

Does anyone has any idea, what they are cooking ???
Is this a new Status introduced to tell us that you still not there yet, and your case is In Process ??

Mine was in Final Review since Jun 24

Hoping for some miracle :confused:
Mine is as same as your guys. Submitted to Chicago at June 14 and was granted to " Audit Review " until June 24 rerun. People in the other thread has asked Help Desk specifically about this "In Process" phase. See quote from vjperm

---I just called Atlanta processing center and specifically asked is "in process" a final state. The response was that they have introduced a new status and will take a decision after they obtain the documents requested in the letter - if i read between the lines correctly, I think this is just another version for "audit/final review".

look like we are back to shit hole again.
May be they thought FInal Review gives some kind of indication that you will be approved soon. They may want to rule out that possibility. So are saying Inprocess so that they don't receieve any calls or emails. :confused:
My guess is this state is created to give them some breathing room..

They definitely screwed up with their PERM launch. The problem they are facing right now, is inconsistency in handling cases. Someone getting aprroved in 5 days and few getting denied illogically, and no FIFO in place.. Having this transistional state probaly buys them some time to correct their FIFO process..

I guess creating this state gives them a manual override over thier screwed up matrix. Which I agree they needed to have right from the begining.

Lets hope this controls the flow.

Good part is, the anxiety ride we went through (Final Review No Word, Sponsorship No Email is over)

Bad Part, this is another layer of delay. Forget 60 days and get mentally prepared for indefinite DELAYS (becuase of manual intervention)..

I am sure we will see a drastic drop on Cases going to Final Review.. As we saw a drop on cases being denied after June 24th rerun//

Well guys I guess its time we loosen our seat belt as well, fast trak is over.. We all are in this slow detour which is being built as we ride..

Wish you all good luck..
rajaabhi, knowdol and everyone,

i hope that the positive aspects of your explanations turn out true.

but, i also cannot help but think of it this way:

at first, the system would reject/ deny cases for no rhyme or reason (or faulty decision logic)

then, when they fixed that and re-ran cases, it moved a lot of cases to sponsorship - but did not send the emails in time for the companies to respond

they tried fixing that problem by calling up employers, and after that, cases were being put in 'audit review' or 'final review' - once again, no reason why some cases were put in one category or the other

inspite of cases changing to 'final review' and being in that state for 4 weeks or more, there was no progress or approvals from chicago...another problem.
and now, they have tried fixing it again by creating a new category (in process) and just move all the cases that are either in 'sponsorship' or 'audit review' or 'final review' into this new category

doesn't it seem as if they just brought us back to square 1 and undid all the progress made so far? don't know how many more cycles of fixes and updates will one have to go through before finally being certified.

the thing i can't understand is if there is only one system, how has atlanta been able to make progress on their cases and give out decisions whereas chicago has been unable to do so for so long now?
one explanation can be a difference in the way workflow or assignments of cases are being made between the two centers (chicago and atlanta) and clearly not following fifo logic. hope this is corrected by the new status - and the cases are now assigned to analysts and certifying officers in a date wise manner. if this is true, we should soon start seeing some updates/ certifications on cases filed early on (in may). if any of you come to know of any updates, please share them with everyone.

thanks and best wishes to everyone.
Some Smart HR person figured out this as posted by ABCD in another thread under perm

"DOL is displaying "In Process" for all statuses as the front end display. But in reality all the case status are smae as it was before 07/28."

This justifies the logic that they did this to reduce the number of inquiry they are recieveing...
Perm biased for small emploers?

Hi every1,
from 'monica1's msg it seams that PERM is biased towards smaller employers. Mine is a startup company with 50+ employes and got struck (with 5 cases). Can we figure out if this is correct? is it possible to collect this info for all those who got struck in 'in progress" ...

thanks and good luck.
SD guy27

Unlikely, my employer is a fortune 50 with 20,000+ employees in the US alone - and I am stuck as well
All cases "In Process"

Upon latest inquiry with the PERM center:


No more - AR/FR etc.

Another way for DOL to get away from answering questions. At least that keeps us from having high hopes (which were raised with the FR status).