Tax Identification Number (TIN) & W7
Those H1 visa holders who are married and have their spouses in the U.S on H4 can file joint taxes.
H4 holders are not authorized to work in the U.S but can file the taxes and get a TIN number.
This is just a reminder to those who have NOT applied for TIN of their spouses.
Step 1. Download and fill form W7 from
Make sure to check on the box "e" in the section "Reason you are submitting Form W-7"
Step 2. Attach a copy of H4 holder's valid Passport (not the expired one) attested by a notory public.
Step 3. Fill and attach the H1 holder's form 1040 or whatever applicable to the W7 along with a copy of W2.
Make sure that you add your spouses name below your name on the tax return (1040). Leave the field blank where it shows SSN # of the spouse.
Step 4. Mail it to the ITIN Operations of IRS (address is mentioned on form W7)
The H1 holder's tax return attached here with the W7 is ONLY for obtaining TIN number of the spouse that will be mailed in 4-6 weeks.
Step 5. After receiving the TIN number of the spouse, the H1 holder should fill that number where applicable on the form 1040 (or whatever applies) and mail it to the IRS.
If the deadline approaches, get a date extention (normally it is 4 months) from IRS to file the taxes.
Step 6. The address to file taxes is different from the address to file W7, so the H1 holder should not consider the tax form (1040) sent with spouse's form W7 as the actual return. So the tax return needs to be sent to the correct address of IRS after receiving the TIN.
People who file state taxes need to wait for the TIN number before they can send their returns.
Hope it helps.
Those H1 visa holders who are married and have their spouses in the U.S on H4 can file joint taxes.
H4 holders are not authorized to work in the U.S but can file the taxes and get a TIN number.
This is just a reminder to those who have NOT applied for TIN of their spouses.
Step 1. Download and fill form W7 from
Make sure to check on the box "e" in the section "Reason you are submitting Form W-7"
Step 2. Attach a copy of H4 holder's valid Passport (not the expired one) attested by a notory public.
Step 3. Fill and attach the H1 holder's form 1040 or whatever applicable to the W7 along with a copy of W2.
Make sure that you add your spouses name below your name on the tax return (1040). Leave the field blank where it shows SSN # of the spouse.
Step 4. Mail it to the ITIN Operations of IRS (address is mentioned on form W7)
The H1 holder's tax return attached here with the W7 is ONLY for obtaining TIN number of the spouse that will be mailed in 4-6 weeks.
Step 5. After receiving the TIN number of the spouse, the H1 holder should fill that number where applicable on the form 1040 (or whatever applies) and mail it to the IRS.
If the deadline approaches, get a date extention (normally it is 4 months) from IRS to file the taxes.
Step 6. The address to file taxes is different from the address to file W7, so the H1 holder should not consider the tax form (1040) sent with spouse's form W7 as the actual return. So the tax return needs to be sent to the correct address of IRS after receiving the TIN.
People who file state taxes need to wait for the TIN number before they can send their returns.
Hope it helps.