Filing labor where company is registered


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My company is registered in Delaware.
Although we have offices in NJ.I have filed for labor from NJ.
I wanted to know if it is possible that I can file for labor from Delaware since my company is registered there though I am working in NJ.

Thanks for your help,
If your Company has an office at Delaware it is possible to file LC from Delware. My company has 4 nationwide offices and our GC is done from Harrisburg.

Originally posted by garywarrier
My company is registered in Delaware.
Although we have offices in NJ.I have filed for labor from NJ.
I wanted to know if it is possible that I can file for labor from Delaware since my company is registered there though I am working in NJ.

Thanks for your help,
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Thanks a ton,Prakash for your reply.
well,I did ask my lawyers and they say that the labor can only be filed in the state where the beneficiary is working.
NJ labor is so bad that I am looking at ways of getting around it...:).

There has to be a job available for you at the location filed. To file where there is really no job available (other than filing at the corporate headquarters for roving employers) is building a "house of cards" and could (would if you ask me) be considered immigration fraud. BTW, nearly all large US corporations are incorporated in Delaware, that alone does not permit filing there or everyone would do it and there would be a longer backlog there.
Thank you very much,Jim.
What you say is very true that most of the companies are registered in Delaware and what I was thinking of was not really practical and possible.

It looks like the NJ labor will take another 4-5 months to clear up April,isn't it?

Thanks again,
It's certainly true that there are states where LC is much faster than NJ. It would really be a shame though for you to file from another state, wait 6 months or so only to have the GC denied there since SESA determined that there really was no job available there. You would then have wasted 6 months plus attorneys and advertising fees only to have to start over in NJ.

The new law that permits H-1 extension seems to alleviate much of the urgency. I know everyone wants their GC ASAP, but that means As Soon As POSSIBLE, and it makes no sense, at least in my opinion, to try to sneak a fraudlent filing by SESA when it can be done legitimately.

I tend to play things as safely as possible though.
Your right,Jim.
My doubt as to whether this is possible has atleast been answered.
I am sure NJ labor will start moving some time soon.I am just going to be patient and wait.
Also the H1 extension bill is a real good thing now.