filing I-140 ,previous experience letter


Registered Users (C)
Do we need to get the previous experience letters from all teh previuos employers when we are filing for I-140(I mean can these experience certificates be backdated?)
Would it be helpful if we do Employment/WORK EXPERIENCE Verification evaluation with a third party company

Pls suggest.
Is it absolutely needed to have all the experience letters in certain formaT?


Pls help me.

Is it absolutely needed to have all the experience letters in certain format for applying in EB2 category?

I happens if I cannot submit experience letter for a certain period?

I worked for an Indian company and quit in US . They have denied to give me a experience letter. I have all the paystubs etc, etc;

They asked me about 9000 USD to give my experience letter? Is it wise to give this kind of huge meoney for experience letter?

Submitting an affidavit from 2 colleagues seemed to have worked in some case but it is not 100% sure. It is always better to have a good relationship with the employer , but 9000 usd seems to me is a very big amount for me.

Can anybody help me , provide some thought on this?

Do I have a case to get the I-140 approval?
