Filing for Citizenship - Slightly different situation


New Member
I would like to receive clarification on the eligibility for filing for citizenship. My sister married to a US citizen in 2002 and divorced in 2006. During their marriage they filed for permanent residence status for her. Her application and card was approved and received in 2005. Could you please provide clarification as to when she might be able to file for citizenship? Also, how difficult might the process of a name change on her green card be, any idea on the time period such takes? Will she be able to continue working or will she have to stop working till her new card arrives?
Much appreciation,
If she got her permanent resident status approved in 2005 (see the date of "Resident Since" on her green card), she has to wait until 4 years and 9 months from that date in order to file for her citizenship.

for example: if she has been a resident since June 1st, 2005, she can't file for citizenship until March 1st, 2010.
Nope. Her application was received and approved in 2005, she then divorced in 2006.

She had to be a permanent resident AND be married for at least 3 years to be able to file for citizenship.

This is not the case, as she was only a resident/married to USC for 1 year or less.
She had to be a permanent resident AND be married for at least 3 years
...and stay married to the same USC for the whole 3 years.

Also, it is important to remember the waiting period is 5 years less 90 days, not 3 months as originally stated. I know its a small difference, but applications are regularly returned for being received a day or two early.