Filing ead without getting 485 Receipt Notice


Registered Users (C)
Is it possible? Or I will just have to wait for a month or two to get 485 Receipt Notice?
How fast is NSC in sending 485 receipt notice?

Can I file it w/o 485 receipt notice and that way start the 90 day clock and then they will ask for receipt notice after a month or so, by which time I should have received it. So I send them the copy.
In theory I have applied for 485 *before* applying for ead even though I do not have such evidance at the time I applied for ead.

I agree that this is doing too much for getting ead one month earlier, but does above look like workable solution?
shawn9999 said:
Is it possible? Or I will just have to wait for a month or two to get 485 Receipt Notice?
How fast is NSC in sending 485 receipt notice?

Can I file it w/o 485 receipt notice and that way start the 90 day clock and then they will ask for receipt notice after a month or so, by which time I should have received it. So I send them the copy.
In theory I have applied for 485 *before* applying for ead even though I do not have such evidance at the time I applied for ead.

I agree that this is doing too much for getting ead one month earlier, but does above look like workable solution?
------ you need I-485 filing reciept copy to file for EAD, why you did not file EAD, AP with I-485???
ginnu said:
------ you need I-485 filing reciept copy to file for EAD, why you did not file EAD, AP with I-485???
Didnt know the receipt requirment at that time. So I thought that I can just file it in first week of jan. :(