Filed 485, job in jeopardy, help needed ASAP


Registered Users (C)
Hi friends,
          My 485 was filed last month and I might be kicked out my job tomorrow(4/20). I am not sure what my options are. I received both my AP and EAD. Not sure what I can do with them. This is not the first time this happened for me. I filed labor and 140 with one division of the company. Both were approved. Then I got moved to the second division. And I had to go through labor certification and 140 all over. Finally after filing 485, stcuk into US economic slowdown. My boss and his boss arranged a conference call with me tomorrow. I am guessing it is a golden handshake.
         Anyways, please post your opinion and what are my options. Any small help is greatly appreciated. I don\'t have enough time left on my H1 to go through it once more.
I wish you all the best to the people who are hanining in there. GOOD LCUK TO YOU. Thanks a lot for the people who are maintaining this board.
Prasad Reddy.
my details
1st Labr: 10/99
    140: 3/00
2nd Labor: 5/00
    140: 7/00
485: 3/01
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if i were you, i would do the following:
1) as part of the golden handshake, request them not to revoke your GC, if they are offerring severence, say u r willing to forgo X months of pay, if they would let your process go through. it may not not take 18 months as it it taking now.

2) Pay a good lawyer some money to get good legal advice, u may elligible to work on EAD, if your GC is not revoked. this may make it easier for u to find a new job
good luck
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First thing to do is get a new job, or ask somebody to apply H1. But I believe you may qualify for Grand fathers\'s law where in you can pay $1000 every year and staty as long as you want and you will be legal.

But check with Gurus.

Dont loose the hopes, cheer up. Good luck
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Hi Nervous and PXB,
           Thanks a lot for your input. I really appreciate your help. It is offical now. My boss told me the news this morning. I am out. I will try to do whatever I can now.
Once agian thanks.
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firstly, I agree with Nervous.
secondly, since you already have your EAD/AP you can actually used the EAD (assuming your employer doesn\'t revooke the I140 petition). If so, you can also renew EAD at a local office if it comes to that. You don\'t need an H1 anymore since you have EAD. In the meantime try focussing on getting a job. Also contact a good immiration lawyer. Don\'t worry.

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Hi Buddies,
          I guess the bad news keeps on coming. I got a reply from HR that all my 140 and 485 is being revoked. So now I need to start my way from Labor. Hopefully, third time is a charm and I would be able to get my GC next time. Sorry to post such a bad news. But I felt a sense of community here and I am sharing my feelings. If I don\'t get the GC the third time, maybe I wasn\'t meant to be in this country.
Anyways, good luck to all the people.
Prasad Reddy.
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I totally understand what you are going through. I have been in the hotspot myself couple of times and managed to survive. ( Thank God ).

My company is going out of business, they have laid off all the employees except me. My termination date is April 30th. They have given me 3 months severance package and for that, I have requested them to put me on pay-roll until severance is exhausted. They have agreed to it.

Well my ND is 03/23/2000 ( EB3_India ) and PD is 12/97 ( FP_done )

Prasad, if they are giving you severance, ask them to put you on payroll until severance is exhausted.

I know what you are going through is extremely stressful. Talk to your attorney first and maybe few others like Murthy or Khanna, and hear what they have to say.

Try looking for a job without wasting anytime. I am not really sure whether you can use your EAD or not. If you are in the state of MA and if you have the right skillsets, I can definitely help you find a job within a short span of time.

Good Luck Prasad.
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Sorry to hear about your situation. I wonder what sort of a company would revoke your I140 and I485. Did you ask them why they had to do that? After working with them for all this time, this is what they do? Can you give a profile of this company? - apologies for being curious. I know some better companies who are telling to go to home country and come back after a few months.

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"H1 is nothing but Hitech Slavary!!" and
"GC process is to make sure we are bound to this Hitech Slavary for an indefinite amount of time fighting with the unknown devil INS!"

I totally understand your feelings as I\'ve passed thru\' similar situations.
But please request your employer to Keep the I140/485 process running as it\'s for future job. You can find another job on H1 or EAD but keep this 485 running.

Good Luck.
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Well said !!! Your character truly reflects the character in Ramayana ! Keep it up!
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Thanks,gecko but I feel like exploding from the top when I see somebody in these type of situations where people try to take an advantage of our I try to do the best of my abilities and knowledge to help them out. In this country if we do not help each other then there is nothing left DON\'T EXPECT THE LOCAL SO CALLED AMERICAN DESIS TO HELP YOU.

Anyway man sorry if wrote too much
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Hanuman, I fully agree with you and you do have a point, but I think what Prasad needs is right legal help (which partially you did provide in your prior mail) and a good lawyer would the best person to help him and get the situation under control for Prasad and make him aware of all his legal options that will help him get his GC. So Prasad I would suggest if you do have a lawyer then you should consult him/her ASAP, but from your mail it seems you may not have one, so if you would like please post your city or State and someone in this chat room may recommend you to a good lawyer.
Meanwhile since it is a fact you are laid off, you should concentrate all your efforts in finding a new job and not let the past pull you back.
So all my best wishes to you and please do let us know how we may be able to help you.

Take care and have faith.
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Hi All,
       Thank you very much for all your help. To answer your question, I work for one of the BIG 5 consulting. It is hard to imagine their apathy after 3 years of hard work and 100% travel. Hanuman, please let me know how I can contact you separately. The whole day I spent calling my boss and my HR representative about keeping the process alive. No positive sign yet. I guess Ihave to continue it on Monday and see what happens. I started my job search also. I had a couple of good leads. I hope to land one in a couple of weeks.
Thank you nervous, pxb, Bhanu, Boston Hyderabadi, Gecko, Hanuman, shrini100, Ray M for your kind replies. I guess I need to go and get wasted tonight. I need another 2 days to digest this news.
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Try to talk to your boss regarding your situation.
Tell him to that u bill go on leave for 5 months instead
with salary and benifits. Tell him that he can fire u after 5 months.
Till then work somewhere else on your EAD.
Atleast ur 485 is maintaned.
Workout an arrangement where he could contract u to somebody else.
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Even though you have already got a reply from HR about revoking your 485/140, I would still request you to follow up with them and try to convince as much as possible. I know it doesn\'t seem professional but hey, who\'s following professionalism in here (INS? your company?.. none). Beg, borrow or steal and do try your best to keep up the 485. Since EAD/AP/FP do not depend on the company help, you may very well get the GC one day.

Good luck.