File on Shelf for two months after sending FP notices - says IIO

Rajeev Baid

Registered Users (C)
I did my FP on Saturday 3 March 2001. Called up the FBI on Monday 5 March 2001 and they said that it had cleared. I called up the VSC today and spoke with an IIO. She was polite but when I asked her about how much the case will take from now, she said that normally a file is on the shelf for 60 days after notices for fingerprints are sent out.

I don\'t beleive this should be true. In any case they had stopped sending notices for Indian/Chinese applicants who were current due the large # of applications in Aug/Sept/Oct 1999.

Could anybody confirm this.

For the record the details are:
RD : 23rd Sept 1999
ND : 4th Oct 1999
FP : 3rd Mar 2001
FBI Clearance : 3rd Mar 2001

Approval : ???
I have already had 2 EAD and 2 AP
Thanks in advance for your responses
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I was told the same thing by an IIO sometime ago, when I called to inquire about my FP notice. He told me that the file will be on the shelf for 60 days after the FP notice is sent out. After 60 days they will look at the file and if it is complete (i.e they have received FBI clearance etc.) the case will be assigned to an officer. The IIO told me that after the case has been assigned to an IIO, it will take about 1-2 months for adjududication.
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I just called the FBI to inquire about my FP status and I was told that the FPs are of good quality and they were sent to INS on the same day. Is this the only information we get and need to be concerned about or Does FBI also indicate that the prints are clear of any record (when I asked him he said they will send this information to INS amd will not reveal it to me). Any one similar information, please post.

I guess my question is, DO we get to know whether the FP is really cleared or not only from INS? when people say they spoke to FBI do they mean the prints are of good quality or they get to know the results of the prints also (i.e. the green signal to the GC) Thanks.