Fellow Mar 02, Apr 02 fillers who completed 2nd FP


Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends

I am NJ 485 Filer
I am just trying to get how many ppl around Mar and Apr 02 RD with 2nd FP in Apr or May 04 recived approval

I just saw in Rupnnet (6/11), I saw 2 NJ April 02 filers who had there 2nd FP on 21 st May 2004 recived Approval.
Did Anyone who did recent 2nd FP around April , May 04 with RD around Mar and APr 02 got any update on there case

Wake Up
Bhankas, rblmc, EDISON_NJ,sam012007, bunchofquestion

My friends Plz post
can we say we all are near our Approval;
I am still waiting dude...

2nd FP done, RFE responded... what else they want... not even GOD knows.

Expecting the local transfer like 'tufan'. Looks like they don't like people who wants to live in this country LEGALLY.

relax man, there are people who had their 2nd FP taken during that time or earlier, with older cases that are still waiting... in my case, feb'02 RD, with 2nd FP in early march '04..... still waiting!
Why should I relax?

* Didn't I put everything I had in this, my time, efforts, money, required documents? What else?
* Aren't they approving cases from 2003?
* Are YOU not frustrated by this random approval trend?
* Are they not playing with our future?
* Is this process of delaying not effecting our family life?
* Is anybody out here able to make any job/life decisions confidently (with NO approval in hand)? I am sure there are many who don't care about GC and make there decisions but are they really confident?
* What is in the world they want from the people, who wants to live LEGALLY in this country?
* Do they really care about the people who live in this country ILLEGALLY? NO, because those people aren't fool like us to apply for all these things, they just live in the country with no documentations.

Anyways, that was my Friday Fever, that just came out. I don't mean to offend anybody by my post, but guys everybody has right to express themselfs in this forum.
I agree with sam
Everyone here is frustrated I understand oleole is also in same boat
But obivously as ppl saying other should relax doesnot hold good, we are just trying to get analysis and kep our spirit and hope high

I just all the best for all of you, and I am sure in another 15-20 days we will see lot of approvals


guys, actually, i didnt mean that sam needs to relax... in fact i totally agree with all you guys said... all i wanted to say is, that one approval in a particular month will not mean anything for most other people... so instead, it might be wiser not to get your hopes too high... at least for most people..... take care, and i wish you both speedy approvals!
sam012007 said:
I am still waiting dude...

2nd FP done, RFE responded... what else they want... not even GOD knows.

Expecting the local transfer like 'tufan'. Looks like they don't like people who wants to live in this country LEGALLY.
sam012007 said:
Why should I relax?
* Do they really care about the people who live in this country ILLEGALLY? NO, because those people aren't fool like us to apply for all these things, they just live in the country with no documentations.

COOL Uhh... You solved whoile lot of BIG problems MAN ...
You are greate no THE GREAT

So our action plan is -
JUST relax and live ILL-legally :D:D !!
Did the second FP on May 21' 04
Still waiting....
Trying to relax..... but its a pain in the a@@
Nothing yet. The last update shows 19 Feb 2004 with 2nd FP message. That's all

2nd FP: Jan 13
RD 7 Mar 2002
ND 27 Mar 2002
3rd EAD: 05 Mar 2004 ( still pending)
Milko_Djurovski said:
I did my 2nd FP today. The whole thing went really fast, pleasant staff and professional attitude. April RD/ND.

I think the person who does the FP gets some dollars (1 or 2) per person he or she does FP for. I guess the more people they FP the more their commission is.
Any April 02 filler's "last update date" changed after second FP ?

RD : April 04, 2002
ND : April 08, 2002
1st FP : June 14, 2002
2nd FP : May 08, 2004
Ak2003 said:
I think the person who does the FP gets some dollars (1 or 2) per person he or she does FP for. I guess the more people they FP the more their commission is.

I don't know and I really don't try to think of it that way. Also, based on the fact that they are federal employees/contractors, I strongly doubt that they would have a performance incentive package or plan like that at a position like that. More over, they are almost certainly contractors, which would make that even more difficult.

If it wasn't a joke, very cynical and almost paranoid of you. The people that work for CIS are, at the end of the day, just that: people. It seems to me that some people on this site (not you neccessarily, but a significant portion) go to great lengths to direct their anger at the staff of CIS.

Anyhow, to answer the other question, no, my LUD did not change after the FP.
Hi Bhankas
How R u Buddy !!!
Was really looking for you
DId you hear anything on ur case
My LUD got changed tyo May 26th 2004 after 2nd FP

Wish You all the Best