Fee for filing waiver application


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

I am wondering what is the processing fee for DS3035 WHILE FILING WAIVER APPLICATION.
1. Is it $ 215 or $230?
DS3035 itself says 215, but in forum i read some people wrote 230.
2. Another thing , when I file online, the DS3035, they give is the expired version, can I download new form from site, and refill it n send along with case no. n other documents which I got online.

Please help me.
Hi Nasho,

I got the adv opinion result and it says that I am subject. since you have been through the waiver process, could you please provide me the answer of the above 2 questions which were originally asked by you. Thanks .
1. Fee is $ 215.
2. Most probably, I think we sent expired version finally. I will ask my husband n let u know. as he sent the final packet to DOS.