Feb Case Waiting - Spoke to IIO Today


Registered Users (C)
I spoke an IIO today just few minutes back. she told me that my case was
assigned to the officer on 11/19/01 and still pending. I should hear something very soon. She told me that they are processing Mar 15th (RD )cases as of today. I am still waiting. Anyone from FEB case waiting still, please post here.

My detail
PD 3/15/00
RD 2/15/01
ND 2/22/01

EAC 01-109-5XXXX
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I am Feb too, my details are:

RD 02/28
ND 03/08
FP 08/15
EAC 011215xxxx
Under Review

Spoke with IIO few days back. Was told the case is under review.
She did not tell me whether it is with an officer or not.

Details : RD 02/05 ND 02/14
Same here, FEB case waiting......

Called today, and IIO said It is pending with the officer. RD:2/8/01, ND:2/16/01. EAC-01-1050xxxxx. I-140 for AOS.
rd 2/6/01/nd 2/14/01, under review

I was also told by an IIO 4-days back that case is under review
and a decision could be made anytime .
Still waiting
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I asked the Officer lots of march cases are approved what happen to Feb cases?. she told me that depends upon officer, some case get approved soon and some cases are very late. I hope all our cases assigned to slow officer. God should help us get approve soon. It\'s quite frustrating tenure now.

 Good Luck to all Feb Cases people who are waiting.
RD 02/16 ND 02/23 Still waiting

My case is still waiting too. Talked to IIO yestoday and the case is with a person.
Calling IIO...

Once we have called the IIO, how soon we can call IIO again to check the status? Any ideas.....????

Looks like all of us who posted here are in the same boat with same status, filing around same time for I-485.

Mine is almost same as Irq whose ND and FP is same as mine. Irq please post your status when you find out anything new from IIO.
Feb Cases - Keep this thread Alive

Keep this thread alive. Please post your latest info. Did anyone contacted INS recently?.
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Looks like some of the people who have posted on this thread have
been told that their case is "Under review" .
Any idea what it means ??

rd 6/2 nd 14/2 fp 6/26