Feb 2002 RD VCS

Here is Mine

RD: 02/14/02
ND: Don't Remember ( Some time for March 2002)
FP: 05/06/02
RFE: 31 July 2003 (For Medical Exam)
RFE Resopnse received by BCIS: 08-18-2003

No Second FP Notice yet!!!!!!!!!!!
As Per 15 Month Rule 1st FP should be expired.

AD: ??

Good luck to ALL OF US
Rd Feb 28,2002 approved

my and my wife's i-485 application got approved today..

wanted to share to info with all in this borad..
I can't believe I added myself to this thread just today, and we're just approved!!!!

RD: Feb 6
ND: Feb 25
AD: Aug 25 03
any new RFEs bcoz of FP expiration?

I just noticed EAC0212850767 was approved on AUG 29.Could some one tell me if it is FEB '02 filing?

:eek: Just got my 2nd FP Notice

RD: 02/05/02
ND: 02/20/02
FP1: 04/30/02
FP2 schedule:10/30/03
2nd FP notice received on 10/08


I have received 2nd FP notice on 10/08/2003. (But, my wife has not received 2nd FP notice yet...and I don't understand the reason).

1st FP: 04/27/2002
2nd FP notice : 10/08/2003

:( :( :(
Online filing for renewing EAD & AP


Could some boby tell me how easy to file for renewing EAD and AP? Please help me...

Good Luck to all...:confused:
2nd FP

I just recd. 2nd FP notice for me and my wife.

Scheduled Date: 12/02/03 10 AM Newark

Some questions:

1. Can I go earlier?
2. What is the general time frame for the approval after the 2nd FP?
3. Should I still expect the RFE before the 2nd FP or after that?


RD 02/18/2002
ND 03/15/2002
FP 05/30/2002
AD ??/??/????
2nd FP

Hi everyone,,
Had done my finger prints in June,2002 and been waiting for approval since then (beyind 500 days in the receipt).
TODAY, I received a 2nd FP notice.
Anybody know why would they need a 2nd FP notice (my FP won't change over time) and more importantnly, does that mean I am back at that stage?
Thanks for your replies ...
This is killing me.
2nd FP done

RD 02/18/2002
ND 03/15/2002
FP1: 05/30/2002
FP2: 02/12/2003
AD ??/??/????
NO NEWS YET RD 2/15/2002

No 2nd FP yet.... 1st FP May 6... Are there others in same boat? Have not contacted senator yet - Im from queens and am curious which senator to contact or go through the congressman's office.

please advise
I-485 Approved...


I am really happy to share with you all that I have received my approval notice today.

At last the long wait has come to an end.

Good Luck to all...
GC Stamp on Passport

Hi Friends,

I am glad that everything went so cool...the entire process took like less than 10 min.s

Good luck to all...

Happy Holidays to all
I-485 details are

RD 2/14/2003
ND 3/7/2002

Finger Printing done : 05/17/2002

I heard that approvals have been issues for I-485 cases as far as April,May,June 2002.

It appears that my Finger Printing got expired and I have not received 2nd notice for FP.

Does anyone has same case as mine ?
