Feb 2002 RD VCS


Registered Users (C)
All Feb 2002 RD please post details for traking

and hope that our turn will come soon:) :) :)

RD 02/12/2002
ND 02/28/2002
FP 05/01/2002
AD ???:cool:
All Feb 2002 RD please post details for traking

and hope that our turn will come soon:) :) :)

RD 02/12/2002
ND 02/28/2002
FP 05/01/2002
AD ???:cool:
count me in buddy !

rd 02/07/2002
nd 02/26/2002
fp 05/27/2002
ad ?
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thanx ar888
folks looks like VSC starts Feb 2002 according to rupnet todays approvels ... there is one Feb RD approved (user ID ffang)..

best of luck to all

RD 02/12/2002
FP 05/1/2002:cool: :cool:
Feb 02 Case

Hello Friends:

My RD : 02/27/02

ND : 03/22/02

EAC - 02 - 140 ******

Good Luck!! to all.
Count Me

Count Me.....

I am March Guy.. I am sorry I join here because I don't see any thread for March 2002.

RD: March 7, 2002
ND: March 27, 2002

My son is already 10 years old and he is by born US Citizen. If I wait another 8 years. May be my son will be able to apply for my GreenCard.

Let's Pray together, so that we all can get approval in a month or two. Good Luck all.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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RD 02/18/2002

RD 02/18/2002
ND 03/15/2002
FP 05/30/2002
AD ??/??/????
Still waiting

RD: 02/28/02
FP: 05/01/02

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Feb27 /02

Count me in..

RD - Feb 27 - 02
FP - Apr30 -02
EAC - 02 - 140 - 50***

If any one with my same EAC Series want to be in touch send me an email.
