FBI & USCIS will end the name check blockage by 9/30/06

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pmg said:
Fom the name , I may try to guess that qili is from Communist China. Please corect me if I am wrong.

China. :rolleyes:

I never did it with a chineese women. :rolleyes:

Sorry Son, I'm not your father. :p

Keep looking. :D :D
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query11 said:
qili where r u from....

I have to disagree with you regarding this question my friend query11!!

Qili-and according to his ideologies in discriminating people according to their race and religion-is not a human being, so you can't really ask him where' s he from!

He is just a "thing"

And "thing" could be several "things"

He could be a trash can, animal, cockroach.......any "thing".

So the right question would be "which waste Management Company throws it him out here in this forum"
Bulls-Fan said:
query11 - how's it going....looks like you are on a roll here. Speaking of racial profiling and India, whats your opinion of the "caste system"? Is this something everyone faces in India today? Since you appear to be an upfront guy, is that something you faced too?




Btw I Feel I Was Discriminated By The Uscis Too...not On N400 Though...i Aready Have A Thread On Tht..anyways Just Waiting For Oath...
For Me It Doesnt Matter Who It Is ..i Give A F For Him Whether He Is A Indian Or Qili...>>>talking Of Caste Or Discrimination...
qili said:
meshmesh, wish you the best luck in your application process, given what has heppened.


And i wish you the best luck in searching for your real father. :D :D :D

Who knows, He might be me :rolleyes: :D
meshmesh, you are so sick.

still, I feel for your being discriminated but I think they did the right thing.

Good luck.
caste discrimination? that's pretty nasty stuff but I do know quite a few indians complaining about that.

i guess once you are a discriminator, you tend to complain about discrimination when you lose that power to discriminate.
qili said:
meshmesh, you are so sick.

still, I feel for your being discriminated but I think they did the right thing.

Good luck.

Thanks for wishing me luck.

In your earlier post, you wished my application to be denied.

meshmesh, wish you the best luck in your application process, given what has happened.

And to till you the truth, I tried to ignore you for the past 3 weeks, given the fact that posts of filthy animal like you doesn’t even worth my time of reading/replaying.

Now and so on, that's what are you're going to get from me. :mad:

As of today, and each time you will come with your nasty/ discriminatory posts against me or any other member here in this forum, I will answer you the same way.

I will turn your life to miserable until you get banned or voluntarily leave the forum. Because I don’t want to bather my/ other member eyes by reading your Inhumane/ discrimenatories posts.

On the other hand, I will truthfully help you finding your father. ;) :D
Going to Media

Hi Everybody,
I have been following the developments on this website especially regarding the Background checks. I think the best way now (given all the cicumstances) to get some attention from the legislative/political wing is to make our case in the MEDIA. No body would do anything without a reward and trying to sort of the issue of Background checks is not really a priority to anyone sitting up there making laws. The only way that is going to happen is when the people of this country start questioning the purpose of these Background checks pending for many years for many of us. Isnt it obvious that wen a check is prolonged and forgotten for such a long period of time, that the aim of the process is self defeated. In other words a suspected bad guy get those many years to possibly do any bad things for which he was suspected in the first place. This can b more dangerous in effect to the society in general. If they dont find a way to clear the pending checks, the pile is going to be bigger and bigger each year which in turn would make it even more difficult for them to clear at a later date.
meshmesh said:
filthy animal like you

somehow the rethoric is identical to those used by the terrorists who simply do not consider anyone disagreeing human.

In light of that, I wish you the best in your application process.

meshmesh said:
Now and so on, that's what are you're going to get from me. :mad:

As of today, and each time you will come with your nasty/ discriminatory posts against me or any other member here in this forum, I will answer you the same way.

I will turn your life to miserable until you get banned or voluntarily leave the forum. Because I don’t want to bather my/ other member eyes by reading your Inhumane/ discrimenatories posts.

On the other hand, I will truthfully help you finding your father. ;) :D

you sounded like a very bitter man. Have they denied your application? or have they sent you back to be with your brother allah?
qili who simply do not consider anyone disagreeing human. :)[/QUOTE said:
I just disagree with filthy animals, which we (me and other members too) found the best description for you.

We still trying to fined your real father, but it seems hard since the dirty bossy produced you had thousands and thousands of customers. :eek:
meshmesh said:
I just disagree with filthy animals, which we (me and other members too) found the best description for you.

did you forget to take your menopause medicine last night? from your rage, you will need to triple the normal dosage, dude.
qili said:
did you forget to take your menopause medicine last night? from your rage, you will need to triple the normal dosage, dude.

Actually, you switched the facts.

I take Viagra, to make sure when I meet your prostitute mother, I’m doing a really good job. :D :D :D

On the other hand, I keep the menopause pills for her, also to make sure that she’s always hungry for me. ;)
Hi, meshmesh, your bro allah said hi. He is taking care of one of your fathers who got flipped over by a pair of 500 precision-guided bombs dropped by USAF.

the same fate awaits you, bro.

qili said:
you are absolutely right on that. Just because meshmesh has extreme views about people who do not believe in his religion and call for intolerance doesn't mean muslims are such. I agree completely with that.
qili said:
Hi, meshmesh, your bro allah said hi. He is taking care of one of your fathers who got flipped over by a pair of 500 precision-guided bombs dropped by USAF.

the same fate awaits you, bro.

qili said:
the essence of discrimination is to place unequal importance, or priorities, on a certain subset of the subject population. and we do that all the time, and we call that prioritizing.

unless we can read minds perfectly, we will have to rely on imperfect proxies, indicators that will incorrectly identify innocent people (false positive) or let bad guys slip through (false negative). But we don't have a choice: we can either screen everyone and slow down or completely destroy any sense of normalcy; or we can selectively screen, or discriminate, a likely subset based on those imperfect but hopefully effective proxies. I think most people will agree that discrimination is the way to go, in spite of the fact that it is not a perfect way.

Now, that is assuming that the proxies are effective and have indicative power. the job of the security screeners is to find the most effective proxies and continuely refine them.

like any tools, discrimination can also be incorrectly used, just as cars can be used to kill people and fire can be used to burn down houses. We should not abandon an effective tool just because it is flawed.

Having flown on El Al Israel with a travel companion with Iranian background, i can tell you from personally experience that those guys are the experts on discrimination. Hands down.

lets see a racist and then doesnt like jews....
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