FBI & USCIS will end the name check blockage by 9/30/06

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Has any body heard about this?
FBI & USCIS will eliminate the blockage caused by the name check/ security background clearance by 9/30/06!!
If this is true, is this plan for this name check nightmare ending has anything to do with the congressmen election next November?
Please post and attach any link related to this time frame.
jhawilla said:
Where did u see this? Any web site?

check this out!!


and also i remember sombody in this form recived an answer from the FBI trough his congressman, stated that they have about 17,000 case pending the security clerance, and they are working hard in order to finish this blockage by the 9/30/06, as per thier original plan in 2004.
i judt do not remember the page # in the thread
It says "Without compromising security, USCIS plans to eliminate the backlog by the end of FY 2006".

Note that it is just a plan, not a commitment. Don't take it seriously.
NJGoose said:
It says "Without compromising security, USCIS plans to eliminate the backlog by the end of FY 2006".

Note that it is just a plan, not a commitment. Don't take it seriously.

I know it's not a commitment. it's a plan was announced in 2004.
But i am really happy to see there are inspectors that chase the CIS ass to perform thier job.
my quistion is, is this deadline for the blockage elemination have any thing to do with the congress election next Novmber?
we all know that by the election times, CIS goes crazy in naturalization, they been pushed by the officials before any election, and we all know why!!
Has anybody heard anything?
Well lets put it this way,there are Supervisors at asc's.when i went to a particular asc i saw employees fillng out the feedback form at will,they never bother to even tell the applicant that there is a feedback form.They do this right in front of their supervisors and they do it for every applicant.
And these employs are not even permanent employees they are contractors where as the supervisors are permanent employees of uscis :eek:

meshmesh said:
I know it's not a commitment. it's a plan was announced in 2004.
But i am really happy to see there are inspectors that chase the CIS ass to perform thier job.
my quistion is, is this deadline for the blockage elemination have any thing to do with the congress election next Novmber?
we all know that by the election times, CIS goes crazy in naturalization, they been pushed by the officials before any election, and we all know why!!
Has anybody heard anything?
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it seems like good news and i do hope it's true. but i hate to tell you, USCIS / FBI were talking about the same thing last year. complete the backlog by september or something... if my memory is still correct.
this kind of promises means nothing (at least to me). any goal they fail to achieve, they will use "national security" as a perfect excuse anyway.
if you have the money, WOM is the way to go.
belle said:
it seems like good news and i do hope it's true. but i hate to tell you, USCIS / FBI were talking about the same thing last year. complete the backlog by september or something... if my memory is still correct.
this kind of promises means nothing (at least to me). any goal they fail to achieve, they will use "national security" as a perfect excuse anyway.
if you have the money, WOM is the way to go.

that's why i am pushing towrds contacting the media"please see publicus thread" to get the public attention to our problem with the currupted FBI, CIS systems
This was a report by the audit division of USCIS with "recommendations". USCIS responded with their comments at the end of the report. I think it would be stretch to say anybody if anyone is committed to clearing the name check backlog. In fact, the most recent document (the on you referred is over 6 months old) mentioned that NO immigration benefit would be given without all security clearances regardless of the time. That was in a report to congress. I would thus not hold my breath.

I think resources is an issue, but no politician will stick their nose out. Currently the only avenue open is to sue USCIS.

What is your situation Meshmesh? How long back are you stuck in name check and for what benefit?

meshmesh said:
check this out!!


and also i remember sombody in this form recived an answer from the FBI trough his congressman, stated that they have about 17,000 case pending the security clerance, and they are working hard in order to finish this blockage by the 9/30/06, as per thier original plan in 2004.
i judt do not remember the page # in the thread
brb2 said:
This was a report by the audit division of USCIS with "recommendations". USCIS responded with their comments at the end of the report. I think it would be stretch to say anybody if anyone is committed to clearing the name check backlog. In fact, the most recent document (the on you referred is over 6 months old) mentioned that NO immigration benefit would be given without all security clearances regardless of the time. That was in a report to congress. I would thus not hold my breath.

I think resources is an issue, but no politician will stick their nose out. Currently the only avenue open is to sue USCIS.

What is your situation Meshmesh? How long back are you stuck in name check and for what benefit?
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It is well over 2 years for you now. Write petitions to chairman of judiciary, USCIS ombudsman and your senators and congressmen. Draft them well and follow up a month later. Don't sit and hope, the time for that is way past.

Are you by any chance from India/China or of middle eastern/arabic/moslem background? Both these sub-groups have a lot of common names and frequently some one with Singh/Wu or for that matter Mohammed can get stuck in name check. If that is the case then your name will get queued in the manual name check where an "analyst" will need to make sure that you are not the criminal they have in their data base. If not in the above category do a info pass and make sure that FBI has not sent back your case. Many cases just fall through in the USCIS processing - like lost files and are often conviniently put under "security check" pending category.

meshmesh said:
I applied for naturalization in 6/2004, after 3 years of residency(my wife is american).
they schadeule my interview in 6/19/05, then they refuse to proceed because of the name check pending.
then they schadeule me again on 12/8/05, one day before the interview, they descadeuel the interview for the same reason.
since then, i have not recived anything, and the name check is still pending.
i cant sue them because the interview was never conducted :mad: :mad:
I disagree.....You need to understand what the scope of namecheck is before you try to scare the hell out of people.

brb2 said:
It is well over 2 years for you now. Write petitions to chairman of judiciary, USCIS ombudsman and your senators and congressmen. Draft them well and follow up a month later. Don't sit and hope, the time for that is way past.

Are you by any chance from India/China or of middle eastern/arabic/moslem background? Both these sub-groups have a lot of common names and frequently some one with Singh/Wu or for that matter Mohammed can get stuck in name check. If that is the case then your name will get queued in the manual name check where an "analyst" will need to make sure that you are not the criminal they have in their data base. If not in the above category do a info pass and make sure that FBI has not sent back your case. Many cases just fall through in the USCIS processing - like lost files and are often conviniently put under "security check" pending category.
brb2 said:
It is well over 2 years for you now. Write petitions to chairman of judiciary, USCIS ombudsman and your senators and congressmen. Draft them well and follow up a month later. Don't sit and hope, the time for that is way past.

I contacted my congressman, he get back to me by Your case is pinding security background check clearance :confused:, damn it, that's why i contacted you :mad:

Are you by any chance from India/China or of middle eastern/arabic/moslem background?

Both these sub-groups have a lot of common names and frequently some one with Singh/Wu or for that matter Mohammed can get stuck in name check.

if they have anything aginst me, they would'nt do it anyway.[/COLOR]

If that is the case then your name will get queued in the manual name check where an "analyst" will need to make sure that you are not the criminal they have in their data base. If not in the above category do a info pass and make sure that FBI has not sent back your case. Many cases just fall through in the USCIS processing - like lost files and are often conviniently put under "security check" pending category.

I went to the citizenship office 5 times since last January, they have my file. it is just the same problem of all of us(Pending background pullshit).
whaen i asked the officier : is that's because i'm from Egypt, she answered me back absolutly not, i have 3000 cases pending here, most of them from 2003, for Spanish people :(
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in my view, the whole concept of name check is totally retarded: a terrorist like Bin Laden isn't going to enter the US with a passport identifying him as such. The accuracy of name check depends on the accuracy of the person being name checked to identify himself correctly, accurately and willingly, something that anyone but a terrorist will do.

So we end up with a situation where eveyrone who is NOT a terrorist gets stuck in name check and the ones they want to catch go free.

If there is any hope of us catching a terrorist, they will have to figure out a better means to conduct security check.
qili said:
in my view, the whole concept of name check is totally retarded: a terrorist like Bin Laden isn't going to enter the US with a passport identifying him as such. The accuracy of name check depends on the accuracy of the person being name checked to identify himself correctly, accurately and willingly, something that anyone but a terrorist will do.

So we end up with a situation where eveyrone who is NOT a terrorist gets stuck in name check and the ones they want to catch go free.

If there is any hope of us catching a terrorist, they will have to figure out a better means to conduct security check.

I think the best thing that all of the legal immigrant stuck in the name check can do: is to leave the united states, and come back as illigal creminals.

may be by doing so, we will have a better chance with this goverment, that favours illigals over the legal ones. :mad:

It's really shame for the goverment to put us all in this misrable situation
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Would you care to help me "understand the scope of namecheck" ..sir?

If you see meshmesh's reply you will see he indeed is from Egypt, as I had suspected. It is evident that the people from middle eastern backgrounds are disproprionately affected by name check problem. In fact I think there is a class action case going on right now by some of these groups.

The chance of terrorist applying for US citizenship is very remote. Instead of holding legal people in name check queue while closing ones eyes to the 12 million illegals is the greatest farce one can imagine. We have no problem with people sneaking over the border and living here for decades, but educated highlyskilled legal immigrants are made to go through all these hoops. A total waste of time in my opinion.

problem2006 said:
I disagree.....You need to understand what the scope of namecheck is before you try to scare the hell out of people.
Let's hope they do clear the backlog

Lets hope they clear the backlog.
The whole process of GC is getting too long.
You will have ur reply tomorrow morning.Promise.... :)
goodnight fer now......

anyways just to start ...there are a lot of ppl stuck in name check who happened to follow islam...
Do you even have any idea tht india and israel are the only 2 countries faing terrorism face to face....
Do you know that there is active indian participation in afghanistan(pro u.s.a)>>thanks to cia
2) Right before u.s troops entered iraq cia sent in german spies...same way right before u.s went into afghan there were indian/russian spies helping cia.
So i am pretty sure the cia/fbi knows which is a islamic country and which is not(to be precise i am not a racist i dont mean to offend anyone fbi definitely knows who muslims are and who are hindu's and what relationship they enjoy interms of india and pakistan.)
and to associate indians/chinese....i dont know where u got your theory from...
Second,to assume terrorism is the only purpose of name check... :confused: :eek:

brb2 said:
Would you care to help me "understand the scope of namecheck" ..sir?

If you see meshmesh's reply you will see he indeed is from Egypt, as I had suspected. It is evident that the people from middle eastern backgrounds are disproprionately affected by name check problem. In fact I think there is a class action case going on right now by some of these groups.

The chance of terrorist applying for US citizenship is very remote. Instead of holding legal people in name check queue while closing ones eyes to the 12 million illegals is the greatest farce one can imagine. We have no problem with people sneaking over the border and living here for decades, but educated highlyskilled legal immigrants are made to go through all these hoops. A total waste of time in my opinion.

your second part of the comment,i agree with you 100%..imean this is so superficial.
legalizing millions of ppl.forget legalizing them i am pretty sure fbi doesnet even know who they are,they could be naxals?
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btw brb i have lots of respect for u,so if you want me to call this debate off just let me know.alrite brother goodnite fer now.
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