FBI Security Check


Registered Users (C)
It seems that my case is still waiting for feedback from FBI security check, but the IIO said that FP result is good,

are there any other people on the same boat?
How long does it take to get the security check result?
Is there any way to check with FBI?

My info:

RD: 04/05
FP: done in April

my timeline

hi, I did my finger print on May 26th, on May 15 I called up to IIO, informed that my finger print result was sent back from FBI on April 3rd, but the background check has not done yet.

called up again on July 12th, IIO said they received the report from FBI in June. and don't know whether it was a coincide, my AVM messages changed from 999 day to process resume in June too.
Interesting AVM Message

I don't know what the difference is between FP results and FBI check. I thought FP results were evaluated by FBI and sent to FBI. Would this not be the same as criminal background check.

Also, my AVM message used to say 999 days, but lately it has been saying that processing has resumed MINUS the 999 days timeline. I don't know if this means anything.

I am just tired of waiting.....

It all depends on INS when they change AVM. There are some posting on this portal where avm didnot change till approval. I got my figerprints in june but its still saying we have mailed u finger print notices.


It's true that FP has to go through FBI.
In addition that the IBIS also goes through FBI.
INS starts the IBIS check only when the case is assigned to an officer.If anyone of your's has the IBIS check performed, then it is closer to approval.

And what abou the AVM change

I found it rather strange that they have removed the 999 days timeline.

Any thoughts...


The IIO told me they sent the IBIS to FBI already, but he doesn't when FBI will get the result back to INS.

So My guess is your case will be checked by FBI ( for IBIS ) before it is assigned, and once the INS get the result from FBI, the AVM will be changed ( if they update it ) and also it is ready to be picked, but when it will be picked by officer, it is depend on the RD and the luck

Ya, I am also tired of waiting, but what can we do? just be patient, and wait for the approval date, I believe everyone will get the little card sooner or later

INS recent updates says that all officer's PC's now have direct connection to IBIS computers. This information directly contradicts with FBI doing IBIS check. Is there any site which gives you the list of things your 1-485 application goes through?

The IIO told me that they are waiting feedback from FBI ( but she said my FP check already done ), so I don't know what does she mean.

I don't know if I should trust her, because from other post, it seems that the IIOs sometimes don't know what they are talking about.

Theoretically, we should be seeing more approvals now

But, so far this week we are experiencing a very slow rate of approvals.

Did you read the NEbraska SC? They are recruiting 50 people now. Why were they waiting until the number swelled to 50? They did not realize they are having backlogs until then?

Man, whats going on?

I believe FBI does things pretty fast. But our INS juggernaut takes eons to roll. And the IIO who spoke to you must be either a clueless new recruit or a lie-thru-my-nose kind, either way no use in calling them. My 2 cents would be just wait until some of the WAC's in your range are getting approved and then pester your lawyer to send reminders. They seem to get better and faster replies
Lawyers will not be able to send fax until your case is pending for more than one month compared to the current JIT report. Only thing to do is wait. Now a days IIOs are not entertaining any personal calls (they require your lawyer to enquire!).