FBI Hit clarification


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone knows the difference between an FBI administrative record, and a Criminal record ? Basically, I am awaiting results on my fingerprint reviews and a friend of mine is warning me that since I have had my fingerprints processed thorough the FBI before relating to an employment process, the FBI may send the USCIS a "hit" on my name eventhough I do not have a criminal record. He is saying that eventhough it's an "administrative" hit, it's still a hit as far as the USCIS is concened and they will more than likely deny my marriage based I485 application !!!

Any feedback is appreciated
I believe as long u don't have any criminal record or ur name links to their formula, u don't need to worry abou it. thousands of ppl name may come under their different level of name check formula. don't think so u should worry about it.

If you believe u haven't done anything wrong that may trigger further inquery, take it as normal.

Good LUck
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Fingerpint Check

Do not worry if the "hit" is admin ie for work purposes. Mine cleared although I had to be printed due to working in finance industry. They will process ok. If you have any criminal record let BCIS know of this when filling the i-485 application. Otherwise do not stress it.