FBI clearance for 2nd FP


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I have done 2nd FP almost 3 weeks ago. Does any one knows how long it takes to get FBI clearance or approval after 2nd FP.

FBI sent FP to BCIS (then INS) within 2 days, but it took around 3 months for the AVM to update. They didn't have the online check then (April 2002).

No AVM chnaged in 11 months

I don't know if update of AVM or online msg should be of any concern, as I fingerprinted in June 2002 but never got any update in msg. After that I got my 2nd EAD and AP so I believe that everything should be alright.
LIN02148, ND- APR 1, 02
Donot be concerned if AVM or online does not change.
In some places, FP is still performed using Ink. In such cases update will take 7 days. If FP is done electronic, then FBI updates BCIS in less than 2 days.
Call FBI to find out the status.
After my FP were done, I called FBI at 304-625-5590 and followed the menu option. Before calling be ready with your A #, SSN and DoB for each of your family member.
The only answer they may give you is whether your FP has been sent to BCIS or not? If sent when?
You should understand that, if sent to BCIS, implies FP are good.