FBI clearance at the time of interview


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I had my naturalization interview earlier today in boston. I passed the interview. However the officer informed me that no decision can be made until my FBI clearance comes through. Does this make sense? I thought that the FBI clearance would be a pre-requisite for the interview. Anycase, the officer informed me that I would be getting a letter in the mail once the clearance comes through.

My questions are:

1) Has anyone out there had a similar experience. If so, how long could this take?

2) Is there a way I can track the status of my FBI clearance.

Thanks in advance.

Yes, I heard about it. Were your fingerprints taken electronically or the old fashion way using the ink/paper?

There has been a long delay in processing of FBI clearances sometimes in Dec/Jan and some regional offices were forwarding cases to district offices without FBI clearances hoping they would get there on time.

... or maybe the officer was referring to the "IBIS" clearance that is now being done between the interview and the oath (check other threads on this forum under "Oath delays" etc.)
Hi friends,
Does anybody know what is the current timeline in Newjersey newark center for Citizenship?

my wife has completed her fingerprint in April 16th 2003.
We are still waiting for Interview notification letter?

How long it takes?

What is current timeline?

Anybody have recent experience?
Please share your experience, it is very important and helpful to me.

Thank you so much!
I think I am in the same boat. At the end of my interview the adjudicating officer handed me the sheet that says"Congratulations......" but also mentioned that he could not schedule me for an oath since I have a very common last name and it had automatically triggered a "fbi name check" Now someone has to actually pull paper files out and verify stuff. The process takes 3 weeks assuming that FBI does the job on time so perhaps I will be able to take my oath in September.
Oh..well nothing else to do but pray and keep checking my mailbox.

It was a very pleasant interview, the officer was extremely polite and professional. The only documents I had to show were my passport , green card and drivers license even though I had gone prepared with 3 copies of documents such as tax returns, passport , one speeding ticket etc..

I will post here when I get my oath letter and hopefully the rest of you forum members who have been lucky enough to be selected by the FBI will do the same. :)
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Your interview experience, please!

Would you kindly post your naturalization interview experience?

My experience was exactly the same. Very courteous officer. I got the same pink sheet with "A decision cannot yet be made about your application" checked off in addition to "you passed the tests of english and history". In my case, the officer did not mention anything about the name being too common (infact I know my name is not common). All she told me was that my FBI clearance has not come through and that they are scheduling interviews with the assumption that the clearance will come by the time of the interview (as mentioned by GeorgeF).

She told me that the FBI clearance takes around 6 months. Since I did the fingerprinting 01/04/03, I am assuming that the FBI has had my information for the 6 months. At this point in time, I have no clear idea how long it will take.

Thanks for all the input.
FBI clearence

peepjay and barker,
Hi there!
I am curious to know if any of you requested for a name change.
I am trying to link if delay is in any way due to fresh FBI clearence that may be requied in case of a name change.
My logic here is that even if FBI has given a clearence for a name or an individual prior to interview, they may be wanting to run a recheck in case the name is now going to be differnt!
Let us know if you asked for a name change.
FBI processes and sends back the finger prints in a day or so. Then what is the FBI clearance at the time of interview we are talking about? Is it different from the above? Wht it takes 6 months

I did not have a name change. My application was very straightforward. Again, I believe some kind of check is run during adjudication and there was a "hit" on my last name. I tend to think that it looks for close phonetic matches and other identifying criteria...eg. DOB within two years...etc. However, that is pure speculation on my part.

I had my interview at Boston in August. Same case as yours. Have you got the letter and finally got your Citizenship?


Originally posted by peejay

I had my naturalization interview earlier today in boston. I passed the interview. However the officer informed me that no decision can be made until my FBI clearance comes through. Does this make sense? I thought that the FBI clearance would be a pre-requisite for the interview. Anycase, the officer informed me that I would be getting a letter in the mail once the clearance comes through.

My questions are:

1) Has anyone out there had a similar experience. If so, how long could this take?

2) Is there a way I can track the status of my FBI clearance.

Thanks in advance.