FB2 Immigrant visa Interview; need passport back for travelling


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2 weeks from now my interview is scheduled at Islamabad Embassy for FB2 Immigrant Visa category.

The issue is currently I am in Saudia and will be travelling to Islamabad especially for the interview and after that I need my passport back so I can come back to Saudia as I will be having and exit-re entry visa of 15 days only

I came to know from my friend that consular office normally retains passports for few months for administrative processing sometimes even upto 6 months.

I tried to call embassy, dropped emails but no response from there.

Do someone have any idea what should I do? Can we can request embassy to retrun passport? If so what is the procedure.

Any info would be a big help.

My interview has been successfully conducted. The consular officer listened to my issue and asked me to wait for around an hour. After an hour they returned my passport with visa stamp. Normally they are in hurry and you have to carefully explain them your issue.

Also the questions asked were very generic. My case was sponsored by my mother so they asked me that if i have any photograpth with my mother or not but she said if u don't have one then no problem. Basically she trying to scruitinize my relation with mother as a son.

Also you should know few things about your petitioner and financial sponsor like where they live, where he/she is doing job, how long has he/she been in US etc. They inquired me in little detail about the profession of the sponsor.


did you receive your passport?

2 weeks from now my interview is scheduled at Islamabad Embassy for FB2 Immigrant Visa category.

The issue is currently I am in Saudia and will be travelling to Islamabad especially for the interview and after that I need my passport back so I can come back to Saudia as I will be having and exit-re entry visa of 15 days only

I came to know from my friend that consular office normally retains passports for few months for administrative processing sometimes even upto 6 months.

I tried to call embassy, dropped emails but no response from there.

Do someone have any idea what should I do? Can we can request embassy to retrun passport? If so what is the procedure.

Any info would be a big help.



I am in a similar situation as you. My interview is next month (sept 2012).
I can only get max 2-3 weeks holidays to get this sorted.

Did you get back your passport? If so what process did you follow? and how long did it take to get your passport back?

I dont want to submit my passport and get stuck!
PS: did you get the visa?
