fake ids and approvals.


Registered Users (C)

Some stupid jerk seems to have nothing better to do than to spoil this site. To counter this I suggest that we do the following:
a) ignore all posts by fake posters. (not even reply to these idiotic messages).
b) update PCees list only with approvals for people who are already there.

Of course the jerk on this site can ask for new details to be added to some of the newer lists (Jan-Feb 2002) but we should not add any more names to the 2001 lists for Apr-Sep.

I have been worried for a while that the flood is fake (I had even posted a discussion to that effect). I have been keeping a spreadsheet of approvals. I am in PCees September list and so I only track data upto sep.
but based on my data on 2/7/2002 there were 280 cases which had done FP but not received approval (that means 280 people ahead of me in the Apr-Sep mailers). On 2/19 there were 266 and as of PCees update yesterday there are 252. This trend of about three weeks seems to suggest we are getting only about 14 "real" approvals. the rest may be true or maybe a sham.

let me know what you think.
what is the objective behind recent approvals thread ?

a) to have one place where all approvals are posted
b) to be able to post messaged of \'friend\'s approval\'
c) to generally get a trend of approvals
d) There are times that pcee is unable to post new details because of incomplete information - this thread gives people a forum to announce their happiness

e) Yes this recent approvals thread can get polluted by fake posters
but I hope this it will not get polluted a lot

As I said the recent approvals thread will continue till I get approval - You can be sure that I will bid adios immediately that I get approval (I hope I dont offend people with my frankness and my being practical). I dont want to stick around forever nor do I promise you guys that I will. I love to see movies and my movie watching has been suffering lately.

Lets hope and pray that the fool who has been causing grief finds a new avenue to vent his frustration elsewhere or his life improves
I agree with you ...

We should stop ignoring the posts by users that are not registered on PCee\'s list. This does not help us. We should concentrate on approvals by valid users only. Even though this is a finite set of users we can get an accurate analysis since they are not imposters.

If somebody says their friend got approved who is not on PCee\'s list then we should ignore them in the count of number of approvals. We need to maintain a separate list of such approvals and compare it with the actual registered users list. We can then know if they are valid or not.

You are doing a great job on your thread. It is absolutely your prerogative to do what you want with it. I recommend you not take any suggestions from the vishnu guy. Also it would be great if you ignored all posters NOT in PCee\'s list. As PCee said earlier, his was a representative sample(something like 1%) of the overall cases that CSC handles. We could base our analysis solely on those people who are in PCee\'s list.

Again, it is upto you, coz it is your list, and you are doing a great service to all those who follow it. Thanks.
Amongst the fake approvals with fake IDS, one is mine too.

It is wisely perceived by PCee in his summary that my repored approval is fake one.
It was very obvious as it came from a fake ID.

Who so ever it may be, is targetting obvious and known people on this forum.
By the time I saw the fake approval, there were 35 congratulations messages.
I kept quiet thinking that the approval might come in a week and I will then announce.
It hasn\'t come in yet like many other June RDers.

rsrgc and PCee are doing a great job.

rsrgc -> I have read your couple post wher you use words "vishnu guy", I hope you meant the guy with my fake ID.
Remember your fake ID is also in circulation. So strictly monitor your wording, "vishnu\'s imposter" is better choice of words.

Show me any post in my authentic name which is offending to anyone on this site.
I have been watching use of words like you mentioned in your example several weeks ago. ( Father and chicken and feathers)

Beacause of INS disorderly approvals, I have lost the enthusism in keeping track of my approval hence the frequency of my visit to the forum is very less.

I will post my approval when ever it comes and move on.
This is just to clarify.
Vishnu Mahadev
did I get your goat vishnu ?

Yes - I am addressing the real vishnu !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have always addressed my messages to You
Vishnu! enough of you on this board

you have caused lot of pain to many on this board .Please atleast now refrain now from whatever you are doing.It all started with you
From SAAB ,

I have never ever tried to post any fake crap on this forum .
My frustration has reached 100 % Sincere efforts are going down the drain .
" Whoever has done it are all ma\'f**k**s and S*B "
Others please kindly excuse my language .
All you can do is feel sorry.....

...for the person who is posting fake approvals and fake id\'s.

I mean think about it.

Can you imagine how shallow and empty his life must be if his source of perverse entertainment is posting fake approvals on this board?

What kind of a life must this person be living?

We all are too busy and have our own personal integrity and desire to help others on this board too even contemplate posting "make believe" here.

Yet this person must have some serious mental issues he is contending with..... this is not normal behaviour. We lose nothing by his idiotic posts and he gains nothing but some sort of twisted pleasure. Obviously too much time on his hands to create false posts and recieve false congratulations. Consider it.... by doing this, his life is a fraud.....it\'s not even real.

How pathetic, how small of a life he leads.

My advise is feel sorry for him and his empty life and grateful that you all have full lives and will be that much more rewarding when your approval comes.

Also as someone else said, ignore his posts. Don\'t respond, don\'t give him the attention he is so desperately seeking.

And my advise for the false poster.... sincerely you need to grow up, develop a real life for yourself and if you need to, seek some help.
I disagree with both of you.

I can also very well use foul language but I fail to see the point.
To each his own. I did not start any foul play. Infact it is very apparent from the first message from the imposter,
"I will see how this site works" or something like that.
It is there in fake Dee Rod\'s apology.
Dee Rod "JONY LEVER drinks JONY WALKER and goes to sleep" 1/14/02 3:37pm
Hey Jony! Now you must have stopped drinking that JONY WALKER
Posted By: Vishnu Mahadëv
2/11/02 11:10 PM
(#11 of 11)
Didn\'t you? I have been drinking a lot these days as it is getting late in the approval and board is getting against me. Never mind, I will see to it how this site works.

rsrgc - you are doing a good work, I have ALWAYS praised you, if you have inhibitions , I can\'t help it.
Show me even one message from me, putting you down. It is outrageous to allege on mere false information.

I exactly know who is the person behind this false ID drama, but there is no way to stop him unless Rajeev Khanna takes the initiative with IP addresses.

I have enough tolerance and huge experience not to get disturbed with false accusitions.
Rest is all peace.

by many people not to include approvals of people who are not in pcee list - but that will be doing exactly what pcee does.

PCee is doing a great job and I do not wish to duplicate his work.

This is not what I want to do

I just want to post everyones approval (fake or not) (in pcee list or not) in a single thread

Does it matter to me who gets approval or not - Yes I feel happy when the person who is a regular poster gets his approval but I realise that I do not know anyone personally - I just know their handles and my ojective is to get the trend.

I am not interested in searching for each and every person on lets say for example the april list and tracking him down and making sure that everyone is approved.

I am not interested in doing an accurate job because trying to do so will be supporting the law of diminishing returns \'You try to plug loop holes and verify everything and end up spending a lot of time and effort acheiving things. I believe in the 80-20 concept - 80 percent of the work is done in 20 percent of the time.

The objective is to get the trend and not to plug loopholes
Treat each and every approval with respect and consider each and everyone\'s posting his approval as genuine.

I do not like to cross question the person who has posted his approval thinking that this may offend him.

Hope my above 2 cents have not offended anyone
Sick Imposters

Ever since they showed up on this it is no longer the same. Would you fake people ever change? Get off the board and get a life.
the birthplace of imposter is here http://www.immigrationportal.com/WebX?14@76.gorvaZux30d^12@.efd39

Th birthplace of imposter is here
Dee Rod "JONY LEVER drinks JONY WALKER and goes to sleep" 1/14/02 3:37pm