F2 rejections and multiple petitions filed


New Member
I have been rejected for the F2 3 times over a year ago and was given a 214(b)- potential immigrant. My parents and husband are there. Now my petition for L1 visa(I have 6 years of exp in IT) from my Indian company (well respected Indian MNC) has been approved. I am also expecting my H1 from a small consultancy in the US to get approved in a matter of weeks. I want to settle in the US temporarily. The Indian company wont send me there for more than 2-3 months so doesnt satisfy my requirement. Should i go for the L1 visa first(as it has less chance of rejection), then transfer to the H1. If so how much gap is advised between 2 visa interviews? Or should I directly go for the H1 interview? What are the chances of rejection of either H1 or L1 in my situation. If L1 is rejected first, do i still have a fair shot at the H1 and vice versa?

Thanks in advance
I don't understand how can they refuse you entry if your husband is there. Which visa is he on? F1? Even so, you should be able to be there for the duration of his studies.

What status are your
I don't understand how can they refuse you entry if your husband is there. Which visa is he on? F1? Even so, you should be able to be there for the duration of his studies.

What status are your parents on? If they are resident this may be the issue that they think you want to stay. Still