F1-visa student to start online business


New Member
I am a student with F1-Visa, i have a project that i belive will earn me money to cover my tution fees. I would like to start my own online business and i know i can not do it with my F1 visa, how can i do it?
Can i transfer to any kind of visa and start my own company and complete my MBA degree.

I can apply now and get a Part time or a full time OPT, but i would like to apply for a part-time OPT, can as part time OPT holder run my own oline business, and part-time OPT will give me long time here in the US than the full time while i am studing, as I am doing MBA and running my business is in the Management and Marketing field?

I belive online business may differ from normal business and may be easier , isn't it?